Chapter Twenty Tree **xMas Style**

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Chapter Twenty Tree **xMas Style**

*Christmas Eve*

"Merry Christmas, Alison!" GiGi says, walking into Dee's house with her mother following close behind.

I set my Coke down on Dee's counter and walk over to greet them. GiGi wraps me in a hug as Smell the sweet scent of vanilla. I then let go and hug her mom. GiGi takes an American Eagle bag full of wrapped presents and sets it under the Christmas tree.

Everyone was here at the Christmas Eve party. GiGi, her mom, Drew, his mother and father, Dee, Mackenzie, mom, me and even Jill and her mother. Things have gotten less awkward between me and Jill. We both agreed we shouldn't quit being friends over something so silly. The process of becoming friends again was slow, but I was happy that she was back in my life.

The nightmare about Beau has happened multiples of times and I always wake up in a cold sweat but I don't have it as much anymore. I have been training him with Dee over the past month. I haven't ridden him again yet but I do lunge him. Hopefuly I can ride him soon. Beau was moved to the main barn again back into his old stall a few weeks ago.

Drew, sigh, hasn't kissed me yet *pouty face*. Ever since he moved barns to Pink Blossom we have been hanging out almost everyday. It was nice and we are growing pretty close. Maybe, just maybe, a kiss can be my Christmas present from him. Tehehe.

I have been riding Buttercup about three times a week. She is a great horse and I have grown close to her too. I am starting to stop riding her. My equitation is getting better and I almost to good of a rider for her sadly. But I promised Dee that I would ride her once a week and groom her twice a week.

Mom said that I can stay at Dee's as long as I want. Dee even said mom can move into the guest wing of the house and is really considering it. Mackenzie has bought an apartment near the farm and tutors me for school everyday. I love homeschooling and I don't think I will be going back to public school. At least this year. Thank god I was currently on break for the next three weeks. That means no school!

Things are finally getting back to normal. My life is finally falling back into place. I have learned how to walk without my crutches and barely use them anymore. My physical therapy will only be once a month now. Yipee!

Dee's house is beautifully decorated with white lights. The lights trace the top of her cabinets in the kitchen. In her living room stockings hang from the lit fireplace. Gorgeous glass ornaments hang from her decorated tree. Presents wrapped in festive wrapping paper and bows sit under te tree, just begging to be opened.

Drew and Jill walk over to me and GiGi in the kitchen. The parents separate from the kids and gather by the tree on the couch, sipping on glasses of wine. Drew laces his fingers through mine. I lean into him and rest my head on his shoulder. GiGi and Jill smile at us together. Jill elbows GiGi gently and they wink before awkwardly walking away from from me and Drew. I chuckle to myself and I stare out of the large picture window. Flurries fall from the darkened sky and the ground is covered with about eight inches of snow.

"I love the snow." I whisper into Drews ear.

He smiles at me. "Yeah, Al. You have told me before. Just about twenty times."

I take my hand out of his and hug him. My body fits perfectly ito his as if we were meant for eachother. Hehe. I open my eyes and find Jill and GiGi standing about fifteen meters behind us. The both are smirking and GiGi gives me a thumbs up. Then Jill makes a kissy face and points to Drew. I stick my tongue out at her. Right now wasn't time for my first kiss with Drew.


Everyone gathers at Dee's dining room table. On my left is Drew and on my right is Jill then GiGi. On the table is turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, salad, brussel sprouts, and homemade rolls. It seems more like a Thanksgiving dinner but it is a yearly feast. We all pile our plates and I take a heaping spoon of mashed potatoes, a large slice of turkey, two rolls, and just a but of salad. Today was not a health food day. It was time for giant servings of carbs! Yay!

Christmas music plays quietly in the background as we say grace. After we say grace, I look at Drew. He smiles at me and I smile back. Then, I dig into the delicious mountain of food. And boy was it good.

After we finished, we cleared the table and Dee and Mom brought out the dessert platters and small plates. I always wonder why the dessert plates are so small. It's too delicious to just have a bit of! I grab a sugar cookie and and pour myself a mug of hot chocolate with extra marshmellows before heading over to the living room couch by the Christmas tree. We all finish our desserts then we start the fun part, presents.

Dee hands GiGi a large box wrapped in snowflake wrapping paper. She then hands Drew, Jill, and me different shaped boxes wrapped in the same paper. I read the tag and it says, 'To Ali, With Love From Dee'. I smile to myself and start politely opening the present box. I quit being polite and just tear open the present.

GiGi opens hers the fastest and everyone stops to see what she got. I see a smile form on her face and she holds up the unwrapped gift. It was really neat! Inside was a beautifully hand carved horse clock. She also got three pairs of Zocks riding socks from Dee. Next up is Drew. He gets four pairs of black, navy, burgundy, and hunter green polos. He grins and pulls out an object that was hidden at the bottom of the presents. He holds it up and everyone starts to laugh. Dee gave Drew a pair of light blue polo wraps with rubber ducks on them! They were super cute and I make a mental note to find out where she got them for him. Next up is Jill. A smile forms on her face when she unwraps her present. She holds up one saddle pad and one pair of polos. Both the pad and polo wraps are matching with neon green and black zebra stripes. Finally! it was my turn. I remind myslef what Dee told me earlier. She said that on Christmas Eve she would give me something small and on Chirstmas Day was when I got my bigger present. I silently unwrap the snowflake wrapping paper and out appears a medium sized white box. I open the box impatiently and out appears Beau's favorite toy/treats. She gave me three Likit bars. The flavors were banana, apple, and carrots. The banana one tasted like Laffy Taffies so I usually sneak a piece for myself even though the label clearly reads 'Not intended for human consumption.'

Two hours later all of the presents were unwrapped. GiGi and her mom made me homemade peppermint bark and a cute mini pony Breyer horse. Jill and her mom got me about eight mixed magazines about horses. Mackenzie made me homemade horse treats for Beau that I could have eaten there and then. They smelled really good. Obviously my mom didn't get me anything. Tomorrow morning at 9, mom, Dee, Mackenzie, and I would open presents and stockings together. Then finally Drews family got me two light yellow and purple horse ear bonnets that were hand knit by Drew's mother. I was a little upset that Drew didn't get me anything but I shook it off because Christmas really should be about presents. It should be about family but you know, presents are



Everyone was leaving and mom and Dee were starting to clean up. The clock read ten twenty five. Drews parents were the last people and they were nice enough to help clean up a bit. Drew and I walk outside to the front porch.

"I had a lot of fun, Drew." I smiled warmly at Drew as I close the door behind me.

He smiles back and pulls something out of his pocket. After gesturing towards my wrist, I hold it up. He takes out the object and it was a charm bracelet. He clips it ontop wrist as I stare at it in awe. He gave me my present alone. Swoon. I bring te bracelet up the my face. There are three charms on it. One is of a horse head, one is a horseshoe, and the finally one is a heart. And I think my heart stopped. A heart!? Does that mean-

My thoughts were interrupted by Drews soft lips against my own. I wrap my hands around his neck and he takes my waist. It was like sparks. Or magic. Either would do. This was like a fairy tale ending of a perfect Christmas Eve.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody! This was the Christmas Eve part one of my xMas Style for my book. I really liked this chapter so yeah sorry for any typos etc. Later I will write my Christmas Day chapter and that will have some horses in it, I promise (:

Soooooooo Drew and Ali's first kiss. Tehehehe.

Like how I said Chapter Twenty Tree Hehe

Question for my readers:

Ali's life is starting to get back to normal, right? But what happened to the person who tried to get her killed at AEC? Are they still out for her? Will she ever be safe again

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