Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Ali! Ali what's wrong?" Jill runs over to my, followed by GiGi. 

"Oh. My GOD!" GiGi says, jaw hanging open.

Beau is asleep in the corner of his stall, foot cocked. Everything looks normal at first. But if you get a closer look at him, a gloppy substance coats his body. To make matters worse, Beau must have rolled, so shaving stick to his body. GiGi unlatches the door and steps in to take a closer look.

"It's molasses." GiGi says.  

"Who in the hell would do this!?" Jill stammers, clearly upset. 

"Kelly." Those are the only words that comes out of my mouth. It had to be her. She had a grudge against me, and would go to any matter to make me loose.  

"You mean that jerk how slammed into you yesterday in the schooling ring?" Jill asks.  

Tears prick the corners of my eyes and I give a slight nod. That was it. I had to drop out. Everyone had to be in one of the warm up rings to check in with the judges and that was in thirty minutes.

"Come on..." GiGi roughly grabs the key out of my hand and bolts into the tack room. She comes out a minute later, hands full of towels. 

"What are you doing?" I question. 

"Ali... No matter how much I would love you to drop out, you are not going to! You came way to far to just drop cause of some bitch with a temper. Jill, will you help?" Jill nods, takes a towel, and steps into Beau's stall. I sigh. I would pay for this later, but she was right. Quitting is for losers.

Fifteen minutes later, we have a slightly wet horse, but no more sticky molasses.

"Girls! What in the name of heavens are you doing to Beau!" Dee apparently just came back from the truck. She confusingly stares at all three of us surrounding Beau, patting him with towels. 

"Do you remember Kelly Pils?" I ask Dee. 

"Oh. That girl is a bi... I mean rude!"  

Apparently she remembers her. I laugh and she wraps me in a hug.  

"You guys better get ready fast. Ten minutes till warm up starts."

BahgagafsiwvdsivsiqgaiSHIT!!!! That is the thoughts that run through my head. I grab my tack and rush it over to Beau's stall. I place a sweat absorbent saddle pad on his back and then my black Stübben dressage saddle on top of it. It wasn't a brand new dressage saddle. The leather was slightly worn, but that made it extra comfy. I then attach his dressage girth, and remove his halter so I can put on his bridle. I throw the reins over his head, and hold the bridle in my outside hand. With my inside hand, I put the bit in his mouth. After that, I pull the bridle over his ears and tighten the throat latch and nose band. Voilà. A beautiful boy and his beautiful tack.

Awh! I almost forgot to change. I hand Beau to Dee and rush out into the tack room and pull on my prettyy white breeches, and black dressage jacket. I adjust my stock tie, then put on my boots with spurs. I throw my French braided hair into a hair net and put my Charles Owen dressage helmet on. Before I leave, I grab my dessage whip.

The order of go for Team Pink Blossom: me, GiGi, then Jill. Ohmigod I was so nervous, I felt like I was going to throw up. 

"All right girls," Dee gathers all of us together, mounted on our horses outside of the dressage arena. "Whatever happens out there, I will be extremely proud of each and every one of you. I will be standing over by the stands to watch." She leaves us all huddled in a little circle.  

The loud speaker cracks on. "Will rider number 481, Kelly Pils and Prince Carming from Novice, please report to Dressage Ring C for your ride in approximately two minutes. Thank you." I guess she is first.

"Well, I guess my little trick didn't work after all." Kelly sits on the back of her fancy horse, glaring her eyes at me. 

"Like it would ever have stopped me." I retort. 

"Whatever. Not even luck will allow to win. The only thing you will be getting is a taste of the ground when you fall off." Someone shouts to her from behind. "Better run. Bye Ali." Kelly turns around, and trots towards the arena.  

I clench my fists around the reins. I would pay to see Kelly get face planted into the ground. It was her turn to ride. I really hope I will do better than her so she can just shut her big mouth.


Claps for effort come from the addience. I almost start laughing obnoxiously. Her ride sucked! She jabbed her horse with her spurs, causing him to flip during their super bouncy looking sitting trot. He broke into a canter and it took her a good fifteen seconds to calm him. Pure. Gold. She then failed at her flying lead change. If she was actually decent and nice, I would feel sorry for her. But I didn't.

I take a deep breath and touch my good luck charm necklace inside my jacket pocket. It was my turn to ride. My turn to prove myself. At least at dressage. And trust me, it better not suck as much as Kelly's ride did.

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