Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Since I helped tack up Danny, GiGi offered to tack up Beau for me. Although I was hesitant at first, I agreed. My warmup ride was in a few minutes.

I rush into the tack room and change into my Ariat tall boots, fawn breeches, baby blue polo, black Charles Owen XC vest, and baby blue helmet cover. I put on my spurs and grab my black crop before leaving the room. In the aisle is the most handsome horse in the world, if I do say so myself. Beau has on his baby blue bell boots and jumping boots. In addition, he has a baby blue ear bonnet, baby blue saddle pad, and black tack. 

"Thanks so much!' I hug GiGi and she gives me a leg up. Before walking away, she wishes me good luck.


The warm up cross country area is really a roped off grass paddock. Inside, it has a three and a half foot log, a two and a half foot rolltop, and a tiny little A frame jump, not looking over two feet. Unlike the jump warmup ring, no other riders are inside. Dee instructs me to jump over the log and I agree. Beau leaps over the warm up jump with ease. We had to rock this course. We just had to.


Just as I enter the cross country starting gate, the buzzer sounds. I gather the reins and raise into two point before cantering away.

The first first jump approaches fast. It is a three foot high bench jump. I sit deep in the saddle before raising my self into two point. Perfect!

I turn Beau into the woods after the first jump. The shadows change in the darker environment under the shade. I sit deep in the tack incase Beau decides to spook. I count strides down in my head as we approach the three and a half foot brush fence. Beau takes a perfect spot to take off but I am jumped out of the tack a little. This jump was huge! I quickly regain myself and we continue to gallop on, unfazed.

Four jumps later, the water is fast approaching. I hear a crossing guard blow a whistle, signifying for the spectators to get off of the track. There must be at least two hundred people watching at the water complex! 

I can feel Beau tensing up as we approach the drop into the water. I put my reins in one hand and smack him on the rump with the crop. I was not going to let him refuse the water. I dig my spurs into Beau's sides and sit deep, slightly looping the reins. He will need to really stretch in order to make this four foot drop into the crystal clear water. 

Hesitantly, Beau makes the leap into the water. His landing was smooth, splashing water on my face. It feels good in the humid morning air. I couldn't help but smile, giving him a quick pat. Beau was had such a pure, brave heart for leaping fearlessly into the water. The spectators cheer in encouragement. I kick Beau and gallop on. Five jumps left to go.


I had one more fence to go before finishing the course. The last four jumps went perfectly. Beau's ears were perked forward and he wasn't dripping a sweat. He could do this in his sleep, what a guy. Our time was good, and I was confident, but not cocky. I know something could always go wrong at the last fence.

The last fence was a four foot table. It was easily the hardest jump out of this course. It was tall and wide with intimidating flower decorations on the sides. Not to mention the huge crowd surrounding it!

I sit deep in the saddle before the jump. This was it, after I jumped this, I would steal the competition. I would be the best junior eventing rider. Beau and I would be on the cover of horse magazines like 'Young Rider' and 'Horse Illustrated'. I have always dreamed something like this would happen.

Three strides left. Ohmigod!

Two strides left. We can do it!

One stride left! Bang!

Beau is about to take off when he collapses, crashing us into the jump. I hit my head on the jump and Beau's large frame crashes into me. I hear a crunch as Beau's limp body falls onto my left leg. A sharp pain enters everywhere in my body. I try to open my eyes, but nothing seems in focus. I cannot get the taste of blood out of my mouth. My hand flops to the ground and I feel a hot and sticky liquid surrounding our limp bodies. Blood.

The sound of ambulances and my mothers voice rushing to me are the last things I hear before passing out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Hehe I have been waiting to write this part since the beginning of the book. EDITED Comment any mistakes Thanks(:

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