Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Leap of Faith would be arriving within the hour and the nerves and excitement bubbled inside of me. A small group of people including Jill, GiGi, Drew, and I were gathered in the lounge, waiting impatiently for Dee and my mother to come back with the new mare. My new mare.

I could hardly wait anymore. I tap my foot impatiently on the ground, bad habit. When I couldn't take it anymore, I decide to stand up and walk to Beau's stall.

After I arrive at Beau's stall, I pet him on the muzzle. The stall to the right of Beau was unoccupied because it would be soon for his full sister, Faith. After the two horses get acquainted, Dee has asked me to ride Beau for the first time since the accident at AEC. I was nervous but I knew that I had to do it eventually. Then, in the next few days after Faith settles in, Dee wants me to ride her! I could not wait because if she really did go to Rolex, that means she can jump upwards of six feet and preform difficult dressage moves that only a very professional horse can do. Not that I am complaining about Beau or anything. He is my best friend but he is getting older and cannot preform such advanced moves.

It starting to have me wonder a little. Faith was a fairly inexpensive horse. Most horses at her level in riding cost upwards of a hundred thousand dollars. It made me question her authenticity as to if she really was such a star as her owners say she was.

Enough of that. I shake my head and walk over to her soon to be stall. On the door there was a golden nameplate reading: 

'Leap of Faith "Faith"'

I glance inside her stall. Dark green water buckets hanging on the wall that are already filled with chilled water. A haynet in the back corner has a few flakes of hay in it and her grain bucket has a salt lick and the grain her old owners had her on in it. The mats on the stall are covered in evenly spread out shavings. My gift to her was a red Jollyball that was apple scented. Hopefully she will enjoy it as much as Beau liked his old one.

Just then, the loud stampede of people who came to the barn to see Faith come running out of the lounge. I hear a few people shout 'She's here! She's here!' before running out the door and into the parking lot. GiGi jestures me to join and I speed walk over to her, following the crowd.

I spot Dee and Mom in Dee's sparkling black truck pulling a small two horse trailer. They are just pulling into her reserved trailer spot and I run over to the trailer, impatiently waiting for them to stop the car.

It seems like eons before Mom and Dee finally climb out of the truck. Dee smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up, as if saying something good about Faith.

Everybody is standing a few steps behind me, all huddled up, almost as impatient as I am. Almost.

Mom opens the back of the trailer for Dee. Dee guides herself in, carrying a faded white lead rope. Then outcomes the most beautiful horse I have ever seen (Beau is the most handsome horse I have everseen, big difference.) The mares body glimmers in the sunlight, almost like a goddess. Her white facial and leg markings shine and show no trace of mud or stains. They are the best looking white I have ever seen on a horse. She wears a shipping halter and a light plaid colored blanket. Everybody behind mes eyes are wide and jaws are dropped.It is a funny sight but I know I look exactly like that too.

Dee hands me the leap rope attached to Leap if Faith's halter. With slightly shakey hands, I grip onto the rope and lead her slowly inside. With my free hand, I stroke her neck then pull away. I felt her strong and powerful muscles under a coat that feels as soft as silk, if not softer. Her dark brown glance at me and I swear, I just saw a glance of Heaven. Okay, maybe, just maybe, that was a little exhadurated but you get the point.

We walk slowly into the barn and her horseshoes clip the ground softly. Clip, clop, clip, clop, clip, clop... That has to be one of my favorite horse sounds. Faith lets out a slight whinny to the other horses into the barn. I chuckle to myself because most of the other horses whinny in response.

I robotically unclip the leap rope to her halter in the stall. Her stall. She sniffs around a little then bounces the Jollyball with her nose a few times. I, along with everybody who followed me and her, chuckle. I quietly close her stall door, but keep my eyes glued to her. There is just something about her that I can't quite put my foot on. She looks so familiar, like I have seen her somewhere. I don't know. I could have seen her when she was on the Rolex, but I don't remember watching her ride. It could also be her being Beau's younger sister, but I didn't even know he had a sister.

Beau is now facing Faith in his stall. Beau nickers to his younger sister and she perks her ears towards him. It had to be the cutest family reunion I have ever seen. Or I guess you could say family meeting because I highly doubt that they have ever met before. Faith takes a few steps over to the bars of her stall, separating Faith from Beau. She stretches her neck so that her head is against the wall bars. Beau mimicks her movements and does the same thing. They snort in each others faces and exhale loudly, sending the dust that has settled flying. My smile must look really weird but I didn't care. This was the start of something good.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I tried to put a lot of effort into this chapter but I didn't edit it because I am lazy.

I will put a picture in this chapter of what Faith looks like soon (:

I dedicate this chapter to a horse named Redwine. he is the black Hanoverian stallion who I model for the book as Leap of Faith.

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