Chapter One

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Chapter One

I stare out the window on the dark, early Thursday morning. I was on my way to my barn, Pink Blossom Farms. In just a few hours, I would be at a show called AEC. Well, I guess it wasn't just a show. It was American Eventing Championships. One of the most prestigious junior eventing shows. It was located in Georgia, just a few hours away from Pink Blossom.

I felt nervous chills roll down my back, and wrap the heavy wool blanket tighter around my body. Everything I needed for the show was already at the barn in my tack box. In my tack box, I have my leather boots, helmets, gloves, spurs, show jackets, blouses, saddle pads. Everything. My tack was already waiting in the large horse trailer at the farm. And I made sure it was protected under covers. The night before, I spent four hours polishing every single leather item that I was bringing to the show. Every. Piece. It was always worth it in the end, even though sometimes my horse, Beau, slobbers on the tack.

Beau is my black 9-year-old Dutch Warmblood gelding. I got him two years ago. My trainer, Dee, saved him from slaughter. He was afraid of everything. We think he was abused before. If anyone would try to get near him, he would bite, rear, or buck. He was always kept in his stall. Everyone was afraid of him. But I guess I was the only one to realize that we weren't the only ones scared. He was scared of us.

I made sure no one was near, then I walked towards his stall. At first, he pinned his ears back and reared, but he settled. He must have smelled the treat I had for him, a carrot dipped in vanilla frosting. I didn't notice Dee watching from a distance I held my carrot out to him, carefully, yet cautiously. I didn't want me hand bitten off. His pinned ears became more forward and he stepped closer to the front of his stall. Slowly, I walked towards him, and he walked towards me. Greedily, he snatched the treat up and let me pet him. My instructor was amazed. She said we were meant to be, that I was the horse whisperer.

I started to groom Beau about once a week. He was cautious at first, but soon, he loved the attention, getting frosting dipped carrots every week. I am still surprised that he didn't get diabetes. Can horses even get diabetes!? I'm not sure, but he did get a little pudgey.

The progress was slow at first. Two months later, I saddled him for the first time. I guess the first attempt wasn't much of a saddling. When I tried to place the saddle pad on his back, he crabstepped to the side. When I finally got a saddle on him, he bucked until it fell off of his back. Finally, when he learned to accept the weight of the saddle, he allowed me to put the girth on. I couldn't tighten it to much, or he would get real pissed off. Bridling him must have been the hardest part. Nobody could help me with this, because he wouldn't let anyone else near him. I was on my own. For weeks, I would go through the process of tacking up and untacking. I didn't ride him for months.

On a random spring day, Dee asked if I was ready to ride Beau. I was nervous, but eventually I knew I had to. I agreed. It was time for our first ride. The test. At first, I would lean my weight on both sides of the saddle. Then, it was time to get on. My confidence showed, he allowed me to mount him, but bolted then bucked the first few minutes. When he settled, I trotted him, and even got to canter. His trot rythmn flowed and his canter was soft and smooth. Aought to be the best horse I have ever ridden. Beau learned to accept humans, and let others near him. I was proud of him for that. I was also proud of him for many other reasons. He learned how to go on the bit, and even jump. At first we jumped x's, then verticals, and after that, we jumped oxers. Gradually, the jumps were raised from one foot, to two feet, and the highest was four foot five inches.

Dee was amazed, allong with everyone else at Pink Blossom. I couldn't have been prouder. A few weeks after we started jumping, Beau and I went to our first schooling hunter jumper show. We participated in two classes, and claimed first prize in both of them. I always preferred eventing, but Dee thinks schooling shows like that are good for the horses. To make things even better on that show day, it was my birthday. After the show, my parents and Dee walk up to me. I was confused at first, but then I was told the greatest news of my life. Beau was mine. If I could pause that moment, I would replay it forever. After that, I had shows every other week. Beau and I would always place, and never under third. We were a match made in blue ribbon heaven. Nobody could deny it.

The thought of Beau brought a smile to my face. I would be seeing him in a matter of minutes. My mum and I were pulling into Pink Blossom Farms drive now.

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