Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Legs shaky, arms exhausted, I hoist myself out of the sticky saddle on onto the ground. You know that feeling when you get off of a rocky boat after being on it for a long time and onto solid ground? Or when you swim too many laps in a pool and then get out? That's how I feel. I almost collapse on the ground. The practice session at the AEC schooling ring was three hours. Three. Hours. Even though it was great practice for tomorrow, we won't even do anymore jumping until days from now, and that was one of our main focuses of the practice.

The order of events for the show goes like this: 

Day One - Friday - Dressage

Day Two - Saturday - Stadium

Day Three - Sunday - Cross Country

Jill, GiGi, and I will be showing at the division novice, with a jump height maximum of three foot six inches. 

I sigh and wrap up the stirrups, then loosen Beau's tightened girth two holes. He snorts with relief, probably knowing the day was over. I pull forward on his reins to take Beau back to his stall, weaving through the crowds of horses and people. As I walk back, I unbuckle my helmet and let it hang from my free arm.

With Beau untacked and me back in a pair of old skinny jeans and a barn jacket that reads 'Pink Blossom Farms', I decide Beau should be hosed off. There were a few wash racks opposite the side of the schooling ring. I go through my tack box and I slip on a pair of rubber rain boots. Before I leave, I grab a horse squeegee and shove it into my pocket, and grab a small towel. Then, I quickly speed walk over to Beau's stall.


 It was a slow race between me and Kelly. We were both walking our horses over to the only open wash stall. I quickly take two giant leaps into the wash stall, right before Kelly.

"Ya snooze, ya loose. Adios Kelly!" I do my fake smile to her and watch with triumph as she walks away from me. Ha! She has at least a fifteen minute wait before anther wash stall is open. All the people were tiredly bathing their horses, so it took longer. Perfect payback.

Hot, then cold, then hot, then cold. Ohmigoddddd! This wash stalls water pressure system must have been screwing with me. The water keeping switching from freezing cold, to steaming hot. Finally, the water turns to a good temperature for a horse. I turn around and lightly spray Beau's barrel, neck, hindquarters, and legs. His mane and forelock bands were still tight. Good enough for at least dressage. However, his tail braiding job was starting to fall out, so I decided to just rebraid it. It was easy, and only took about ten minutes.

After Beau is hosed off, I move the horse squeegee along his body to remove the excess water. I then take the towel and rub it down his legs and under his belly. Done! All nice and clean. I collect my bathing items and untie Beau, leading him out of the wash rack. The day has been long and tough. With the sun already setting, I had to get back to the stalls quick to meet up with my team. Dee threatened to leave anyone behind if they were not back by dusk. And it was dusk in fifteen minutes.

I walk fast paced back to the stalls, and meet up just in time to put Beau back. It wasn't supposed to ge to cold tonight, so he should be find without a blanket. After he is in his stall nice and snug, I switch out my rain boots for a pair of sneakers and put away everything. Then, I grab my phone, make sure everything is where it should be, and walk out of  the tack room.

"Ready for tomorrow?" Dee asks us while locking the tack room door shut. 

"Yes!" We all respond enthusiastically. The ride today really increased my confidence.

"Great. For dinner tonight we will be going to a diner. And remember, don't stay up late! The rides start at seven in the morning. Sharp. We have to be here by six to get ready for your rides. Am I clear?" 

We all respond with a yes. 

"Good. Lets get a move on."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

**** Before you nag me, I know this is not how AEC goes. I have showed at AECs for two years in a row now, at Texas and at Georgia, so I know how it goes. I know that cross country is before stadium so there can be a victory gallop but this is what works for my story. I also know the jump heights are incorrect, but that is also what works for my story**** EDITED comment any mistakes. Thanks(:

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