Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

It was about four at night as I stand in the aisle grooming Beau after my private lesson. He did perfect over the two and a half foot and three foot jumps. GiGi is even ordered to raise one jump to three and a feet high. Again we did it perfectly. I really wanted to raise it to four feet but Dee wanted to keep it at an easier level. It was my first time back on Beau after all. All of my confidence that I lost on Beau after the fall was back and better than ever.

I quietly curry the sweat that was collected under Beau'a saddle pad. All the horses are eating quietly in their stalls. GiGi is doing god knows what in the tack room and Dee has gone over to my old house to help mom pack. There is only one other girl in the barn and her name is April Young.

"Hey, Ali. How was your Beau boy?" April asks me, her clear, beautiful green eyes glance at me warmly. She is behind me in the crossties, grooming her equally beautiful horse. April really belongs as a model or an actress. She is picture worthy with a white smile, clear green eyes, and straight, long black hair that was pulled back into a high ponytail. Her hunter green light jacket, fawn colored breeches, and Polo Ralph Lauren muck boots are spotless with no trace of horse hair on them. I have known April ever since kindergarden. We met by having the same My Little Pony backpacks on the first day of school. We were best friends and went through everything together. We both always loved horses and decided to ride at Pink Blossom together. Our weekly lessons were on the same day until she had to switch hers. Sadly, we slowly started I grow apart but we always stayed friends. I am starting to see her ever since she bought Thor, her horse. Thor is April's seven year old Thoroughred gelding that she bought two years ago as a show horse. We stopped showing together at age eleven when the lessons were switched. She shows at one level lower than me but is slowly moving up.

"Hi, April. Beau did amazing." I smile at her.

"Cool. I'm happy that you guys are back as a pair! And now Faith is in te picture. Can't wait to see you ride her!"

"Thanks so much. And neither can I, you should ride her sometime." I missed talking to this girl.

"Yeah, I would like that," April smiles at me and continues to brush Thor, "You have to ride Thor sometime soon. You haven't ridden him in a year!"

"I know, it's been a while." Silence lingers through the air for the next few moments.

"Hey Al...?" April breaks the silence with her question.

"What's up, April?" I ask kindly, and stop brushing my horse to look at her head on.

"I miss this. I mean, talking to you..." April trails off and stares at the ground.

"So do I, April. So do I..." Shit did I just sound like a creep.

April and I break into a giggle fit as we both quite our horses into their stalls. Beau and Thor's stalls are literally right across from each other.

"Hey, April. Long time no see." GiGi is now standing in the middle of the aisle sipping on an Arnold Palmer sweet tea.

"Hey, GiGi. I can say the same for you." Both girls were good friends with each other even before I actually thought of GiGi as a friend.

"So I was thinking. Sleepover at my house?" GiGi jestures to both me and April. We both nod enthusiastically.

"Okay then." GiGi laughs, "My mom can pick us up, drive you, Ali, to your house to grab your things and then over to Aprils to do the same things. After, we can head to my house!"

We all laugh and link arms, heading out the barn doors.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

BTW, I am very freaking excited to write the sleepover chapter!

My inspiration for April is my real life best friend Olivia AKA GinnyWeasley101

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