Chapter Twenty Five

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**Dean's POV**

My eyes were red, raw and bloodshot as I stumbled towards the whiskey. I had undergone too many trials to count all of which were emotionally painful. They felt to real, and even without the mark I felt like a monster. All of those people died because of me or on my watch. The face of Jo particularly haunted me. I poured the whiskey into the glass and immediately gulping it down. I wanted to be numb. I wanted to escape my problems.
"Adalyn, go to your room." I said authoritatively.
I heard her soft footsteps as she left Sam and I and went to her room. I noticed how she waited for Sam to gesture for her to go. Sam opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off before he could get a word out.
"I'm fine, and yes the mark is gone."
"Are you sure you're okay?" Sam questioned as he gestured to the once full bottle of whiskey.
"I said I was fine!" I snapped, "Listen, I think Adalyn should go back home for awhile."
"That's not possible." Sam sighed.
"You aren't the one calling the shots here! Last time I checked I was her father, not you."
The veins in Sam's neck and arms became visible as his body tensed up. I turned away from him, pouring myself more liquor.
"I've taken care of her longer than you have." he said through clenched teeth. "besides, her mom... hits her... so she can't go back."
Sam almost mumbled the last part.
"When were you planning on telling me this?!" I yelled in anger and surprise.
Sam's eyes were directed at the floor. I clenched my fist and tried to get my breathing under control. Although the mark was gone, it will take up to a few weeks until I return to my mostly normal self.
"Well, you haven't been around much." Sam mumbled under his breath.
I disregarded it as I tried to get my head wrapped around it. I felt so stupid and betrayed. She had promised me, after all.
I have a phone call to make.

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