Chapter Four

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**Dean's POV**

"Are you planning to tell her?" Sam said quietly looking back towards the direction of her room.
I raised my beer to my lips and took a long drink. I felt it slide down my throat. I didn't ever think this situation would happen so I have no idea what I will tell her. If she plans to stick around it will only be a matter of time before we go on a hunt. We can't just stop. I can't just stop. I rubbed the mark that scarred my skin, it was raised and bumpy from the rest of my skin and was a red-ish color making it appear more visible. Sam noticed me staring at the mark and sat down at the table across from me.
"I think that she is so excited to finally meet her dad that no matter how messed up you are, She won't mind. After spending her entire life believing her father was nonexistent, I think that your flaws will be overlooked. Believe me." Sam got lost in his words as his gaze turned to nothingness.
I gulped down another swig. I knew that Sam was thinking about our mom who died when he was only a baby. He had no lasting memory of her and we had little pictures of her. I knew how hard it must be to not know your parent. I know how hard it is to lose a parent.
"I don't think she will think of me respectfully or with any dignity when she finds out I'm a psycho maniac who needs to kill people and hunts monsters. Oh, and who was a demon for a short period of time. And pretends to be an FBI agent for information about said monsters... I think she will understand completely since most people do." I said sarcastically.
"Well what teenage girl thinks of their father with dignity anyways?" Sam laughed.
A smirk spread across Sam's face when he realized how ridiculous it all sounded. But it was all true. Our lives were pretty screwed up, but we would not have it any other way.
"I honestly have no clue what I'll tell her or if I'll tell her. I don't want to get her messed up with this shit. She's just an innocent girl. I don't need to pull her into this life."
Jo Harvelle popped into my head immediately. My daughter would be like her of she became a hunter and Jo was six feet under. I don't want to put Adalyn into any unnecessary danger. This kind of life isn't meant for the innocent.
"Who are you talking about?" A deep, distinctive voice said.
I nearly jumped out of my seat and the same went for Sam. Cas appeared out of the shadows of the dark room and into the light from the lamp on the table. He stood at the end of the table wearing his usual trench coat and tie.
"Dean's daughter." Sam said.
Cas' face wrinkled in confusion, "Dean does not have a daughter."
I raised my eyebrows at him and he got the point. Luckily, he is beginning to catch on to our unspoken conversations. Before I would not of been surprised if I had to explain to him where babies came from.
"Is she here?" He asked.
I nodded my head and he just about screamed.
"You brought her here. It is too dangerous. If she goes in the wrong door..." Cas yelled in a whisper tone.
I knew he was right, it was risky. What if Crowley decided to show up? That would be a tricky one to explain and a dangerous situation. I rubbed the area between my eyebrows with my fingers. I was tired and it has been a stressful week. The marks affects on me were worsening. The need to kill has increased and my little patience that I had before has decreased to new depths. I knew that Sam could tell that something was wrong but I hated talking about the mark. I hated talking about everything. The idea of going off the deep end again brought chills down my spine. I had too much to lose but I could feel that I was nearing the cliff. My body was telling me that it was getting ready to jump off but my mind, with the little sanity I had left, was stopping me from taking the leap. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to hold out.
"I'm going to bed." I said abruptly.
Sam and Cas were both in the middle of a conversation. They turned to face me. I could tell that they both wanted to say something but didn't. I wouldn't have acknowledged them if they did. I got into my room and slammed the door behind me. The need to kill something consumed me. It was like a fire raging inside and was destroying every piece of me. I felt anger boil up in my stomach. I needed to kill something, anything soon.

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