Chapter Thirteen

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**Adalyn's POV**

"Maybe you should stay in the car..." Sam said hesitantly as we pulled up to the crime scene.
Red and blue lights flashed outside the drab office building as men in uniform rushed around like bees. Caution tape blocked curious guests from getting to close to the action.
"Why? You have teaching me about the do's and don'ts and you said I was ready." I said almost in a whiny attitude.
I felt stupid and childish afterwards. The last thing I needed was for him to think of me as a child.
"If Dean were here.."
"He isn't here, and I'm going." I cut him off.
I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car before Sam could say another word. Luckily, he abided by my wishes and didn't push the matter further. We began to walk towards the buzz of people. I straightened my skirt as we approached. Sam wore a suit which fit him nicely. He would have made a great lawyer. I wore a skirt and button down top that was tucked in. My hair was pulled back into a bun that was so tight my eyebrows were raised. I looked silly instead of mature. One of the cops raised their heads at us as Sam ducked under the caution tape and I followed behind.
"Can we help you?" He asked with a scowl on his face.
"Yes. I am Detective Singer." Sam said holding up his badge.
The man loosened his scowled expression and nodded at Sam. Then his attention turned to me as he took a once over realizing I was very young.
"She's with me. She is part of a new trial where we are taking teenagers who want to be in the law enforcement major and mentoring them. She is of no harm." Sam said reassuring him.
He nodded his assurance and called out someone's name who came rushing to his side. They whispered to each other and then the man he called over showed us our way inside. We took a short trip up an elevator and down a corridor before we arrived to the two unlucky victims. One was stabbed in the back through his heart, red staining his once white pinstriped shirt. He was slumped over onto his desk and leaned on his computer monitor which was spattered with red spots. . His eyes were still open and glassy, an image I wouldn't forget soon. The other was in the break room with too many wounds to count. He was on the floor in a pool of his own blood. My stomach was in my throat as queasiness settled in.
"Both vics were found dead by the janitor early this morning. There is no sign of forced entry and there is no video feed. It seems as if both causes of death were by a large knife or dagger." The cop explained.
"Is their any possible suspects?" Sam asked as he kneeled by one of the bodies.
"Both men were very liked in the town. I don't think there was any soul crazy enough to believe these men were anything but kind. This is a small town as you very well have figured out and there is only once in a blue moon a crime. But this... this is the fourth murder this week." he whispered the last part.
Sam stood up, his face furrowed at the mans comment. The town was very small. There was most likely only about three hundred people or so living here and that was a high estimation.
"There has been four murders since Sunday?" Sam questioned.
The man nodded his head and gulped. Sam tilted his head as he thought. This was a little alarming since it was only early Tuesday morning.
"I'm going to need to know where the bodies of the others are being kept."
"Sure thing. It is just down the street from our police station. It's 314 Main Street Avenue. It's the only street that runs through the town so if you follow it you will make it there eventually." The man laughed.
Sam smiled and thanked the man as we began our way out. When we reached the car Sam sat for a few minutes before he started it. I didn't want to say anything because I could tell he was deep in thought from his scrunched up face and tilted head.
"Well whatever this is, it is bringing the big guns and it's doing it fast." Sam said as he pulled out of the parking lot.
Soon the lights and buzzing cops were only seen in the rearview mirrors.

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