Chapter Forty

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**Adalyn's POV**

Dean had been incredibly nice the past few days. He was touchy about the situation. He never directly brought it up again but we danced around the topic. He always was asking me how I was doing and if I needed anything. It was sweet. Most dads freak out at the mention of pregnancy but Dean is not most dads.
"Sam and I are going to the school. We feel it's best if you stay here." He said adjusting his tie.
"Please. You know I was looking forward to this!" I objected.
"That was before all of this." He gestured at nothing in particular but I knew what he was saying.
"You can't protect me from everything Dean. You of all people should know that!" I raised my voice.
"Addie, you've been through a lot. We aren't asking you to sit out on the whole case just this part." Sam butted in.
I pouted and leaned back on the headboard of the bed. They grabbed some things off the table and left, locking the door behind them. I noticed the book that sat unattended on the table. It was their father, John's journal. They had never let me look in it before yet I had always wanted too. I peaked out the window just to make sure they were really gone and casually took the journal over to the bed. I settled back into my spot and gingerly flipped through the pages. I couldn't risk anything happening to the book that they would notice. I flipped to a new page, closer to the middle of the journal when something caught my eye, a name that I knew all to well scribbled amongst others.

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