Chapter Seven

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**Dean's POV**

"This is a huge case Dean. It's not every day that we come across what seems to be a gang of vamps." Sam said almost pleading me to agree.
"Believe me I need to go on a case," I said referring to the mark, "But I don't know how to tell her..."
"Just tell her the truth." Sam shrugged.
"Yeah and then I'll watch her run as far away as she can get from me. I can't let that happen. I walked away once I'm not letting her get away this easy again."
I bit my tongue and mentally cursed myself out. Sam tilted his head and his eyebrows furrowed together. He was giving me one of his puppy dog confused facial expressions. I wish that this would be another one of those times where we knew something was up and chose to move past the topic.
"You said that you never knew about her."
This was not one of those times sadly.
"I say a lot of things, Sam." I groaned.
Sam forced a hurt smile onto his face as he got up and left taking all of the information about the case with him. I tapped my hand on the table. It always seems to happen that things don't go the way I want them too and this was one of those times. Sam knows that we keep a lot of stuff to ourselves. He doesn't even want to talk about the time he spent with Lucifer, why should I have to spill all my secrets to him. We had an unique relationship where we avoided all subjects that were touchy feely and we pretended everything was perfect. That is how is always has been and how it always will be.
"What you up to?" Adalyn sang as she walked into the room.
I shook myself back into reality and forced a smile onto my face. I knew that she could see right through it and stopped immediately. I sighed as she sat down across from me. Her head tilted to the side as she waited for me to tell her what was wrong. She was truly a beautiful girl, inside and out. The more time we spent together, the more I felt her wrapping around my finger. She is family and family always comes first.
"I haven't been completely honest with you." I sighed.
She nodded as if expected and waited for me to continue.
"I've been hiding a big part of my life from you but I'm afraid that once you find it out... You will never want to see me again."
"How could you think that?" She questioned.
"Well you haven't found out what if is yet," I laughed but it sounded incredibly forced which it was.
I wasn't sure how to put my life into words without freaking her out. I can't start from the beginning because that would take me days to tell. Also if I started from the beginning the part about her grandmother burning on the ceiling is traumatizing.
"Listen and don't interrupt until the end," I said and she nodded for me to continue, "Sam and I hunt 'supernatural' creatures such as wendigos, ghosts, vampires, werewolves and so on . That guy Cas that you met is actually an angel of The Lord. The mark you were asking about on my arm is the Mark of Cain... I'll explain later. A lot of blood has been shed by the likes of me.......... And now is the time that you think I'm a psychopathic maniac like a same person should."
She sat and stared at me, her head still tilted and her forehead wrinkled in thought. I could feel my increasing heart rate pulse through my body as the time raged on. I felt so stupid. I'm sure all she wants is a normal dad and instead she has me. I could feel heat rise to my cheeks as she stared at me still, probably judging me. Then a smile spread across her face and she giggled. I dropped my eyes from hers and stared at the wood grain on the table.
"I was wondering how long it would take you to tell me." She laughed.
"What?!" I said almost yelling.
"I took a class on Supernatural Mythology for an elective last year. We learned about the Mark Of Cain and how it is believed that it can be transferred. I saw it on your arm and I was starting to question some things but then I found the weird torture room one afternoon. The one with the devils trap and the chair and that's where things started to click. Then I found some books that Sam left out about all sorts of creatures and I knew for sure what was going on. I wasn't gonna say anything because I wanted to know how long it would take for you to tell me." She shrugged.
She talked with so casually about the whole thing. A part of me was mad that she was snooping around when I told her not too and a part of me was confused as to why she was still here. Most girls would be on a bus and heading home by now. I guess she wasn't most girls.
"And this doesn't freak you out? Don't you want to be going home to your mom or something?" I said leaning forward and resting my elbows on the table, bracing myself for the answer.
"I have waited all my life to meet my father if you think I'm leaving this easy then you have no clue about me. Besides, I actually feel happy here. It's different with my mom. She works a lot so I'm on my own most of the time. We talk but we never really 'talk'. I always say that I love her but I don't know, it's different with you. I know that we haven't known each other for long but I actually feel that love for you. It isn't a routine that I feel like I should say it. With you, I mean it. I don't care about your background because if it were different you would not have crossed paths with my mom that weekend and I would not be here. I wouldn't want to have it any other way." She ranted.
I felt the stress and tension flood from my body. I had been worried over nothing. I reached my hand across the table and she took it, placing her hand inside of mine. The smallness of her hand inside of mine reminded me of how young she still was. Although she was very mature, smart and insightful, she was still a girl looking for the acceptance of her father. I thought I had a broken childhood but she had one also. I rubbed my thumb in circles on the back of her hand. I don't think I have ever felt such an empowering love for someone before. It was stronger than my love Sammy.
"I love you Adalyn and I will never leave you."
This was not just a statement. I was going to keep my word. She needed a father and I was going to be one.

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