Chapter One

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*Three Months Previous*
I stared at my mom who fidgeted in her chair endlessly at my question. It was a reasonable question and she should have been prepared to answer after having sixteen years for thinking of her answer. I have always wanted to know who my father was and I have finally worked up the courage to ask. I was raised by my mom and only my mom my entire life. She had few men who she would bring around the house but none of them ever stayed for longer than a couple of months. We had an open relationship and she treated me like more of a friend than a daughter. We talked about everything but one thing. She refused to talk about anything with my father. I used to ask in elementary school because I didn't understand why I was the only one in my class without a dad on the Day where everyone's dads came in. She always changed the subject or yelled at me to go to my room. Years ago I realized that the topic was never going to be answered and gave up. But I have to bring it up consistently if I want an answer, and I do want an answer.
She closed her eyes and pursed her lips, seeming to try to calm herself. My mother was a beautiful woman. She had long dirty blonde hair that she normally curled into the perfect spirals. She had a naturally slim figure and was tall. Luckily, I had many of her same features. My mom was younger than most moms than the kids my age though. So while others parents of a sixteen year old child are around early forties to late forties my mom is early thirties. She had me young.
"I never brought this up because your father has never been around. I didn't see the need for it if he was never going to show up." She sighed.
I felt heat rise to my cheeks. How could she be so selfish? I have spent my entire life with this void in my life and having no idea why because she didn't think I needed to know. I felt an anger boil inside of me that I have never felt before.
"I had a wonderful weekend with your dad and that was it. He was in for business. I was his waiter and things lead to more and the next thing I know is that I'm pregnant with only knowing his name. I had no contact information. I have never seen him since." A tear escaped down her down and landed on her shirt.
I could tell she was embarrassed. No mother wanted to tell their child that they were conceived out of a one night stand. Or in my mothers case, a weekend.
"Does he not even know I exist?" I stammered.
She nodded her head no. She couldn't make eye contact with me. I sighed. I felt my eyes begin to pool with tears.
"I was seventeen at the time and he was eighteen. He talked about all these aspirations he wanted to accomplish in his lifetime. I wouldn't of been able to ruin his dreams for a mistake I had made... Not that you are a mistake. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me but he wouldn't of seen it that way. What I did was for the better." Her voice was depleted and drained as she rambled.
"What was his name?" I asked through clenched teeth.
"Dean... Dean Winchester." She sighed.
I gulped as I stormed out of the room, stomped up the stairs and into my bedroom. I flopped onto my bed, the springs squeaking as I did so. I grabbed my laptop and opened google. I had research to do.

*Current Time*
My heart raced as I walked into the little diner around seven in the morning. I sat down at the bar and ordered a coffee to wake myself up. The diner had a few tables lining the wall of windows and a bar that ran the length of the narrow building. Everything was drab inside, almost everything was in the beige color tone. According to information I had on my father he spent money here frequently. I felt disgusted with myself for the things I had done to find that information out. I did illegal things. I shook the jitters from my body. It does not matter what I did to find him as long as it was worth the while. My coffee arrived and I took a nice long sip that warmed up my insides. I instantly felt myself begin to perk up from my tired daze.
"I'm just saying that if you ever want a haircut, I'll be happily waiting with a pair of scissors." A man said as the bell above the door jingled and the door slammed behind him.
The other, taller man he was with did have shaggier and longer hair. I chucked to myself. I would have said the same thing. They sat down at a booth. I positioned my body so that I could see them out of the corner of my eye but not be visibly stating at them. Something felt right about them. I didn't have a picture of my father nor have I ever seen one but something in my but told me it was one of them. I always have looked like a twin of my mother so going by looks wasn't going to help me much. The shorter one was still tall and had a short haircut. He wore a leather jacket with the collar flipped up. They both seemed young, or at least around my mothers age.
"Mam, would you like anything else?" The waitress said waving her pen in front of me.
I snapped my head towards her when I realized that I was staring at them. I blushed, I felt the heat rise to my cheeks instantly. The waitress rolled her eyes and walked away. I'm not sure why my father would eat here so often. The customer service is terrible. The waitress reappeared with two plates of food and placed them in front of the two men.
"You certainly know the way to a mans heart." The shorter on said with a wink.
The waitress pretended to swoon and then laughed, "Anything for the Winchesters. You guys are our biggest customers."
My heart stopped beating. My father was one of them. I started coughing on my coffee when I came to this realization. Luckily, no one noticed since the waitress and the men were in a deep conversation as they scrounged down their food. I pushed my coffee away from me and got up. I pulled a five out of my pocket and left it on the bar. I wanted go leave before I made more of a scene in there. I stepped out into the brisk air, pulling my jacket closer around me. The only car in the parking lot was theirs I assumed. I leaned against the hood of the old car. They shouldn't be long. They were almost finished eating when I had left. After a few minutes the door swung open and they came walking out. What was I going to say? Why hadn't I thought of this sooner? I bit my nails as I became so nervous my hands were shaking.
"Whooooa! Who do you think you are touching my baby?" The shorter one yelled.
True anger was in her voice as he speed walked over towards me. I looked around stupidly for a baby but then realized he meant the car. I quickly stood up and took a long stride away from the car.
"I.... I'm... sorry." I stumbled.
"You should be! Nobody touches her but me, not even him."He said nodding to the taller man.
His voice was husky and dominant. It demanded attention and had a ring of authority. The taller one stood in the back of him silently.
"I, um, wanted to talk to whichever of you Dean is?" I said.
"That's me. Keep talking, I don't got all day." he said, annoyance filling his tone.
"Well, this is kind of hard to say but... I am... your daughter." I said, my anxiety releasing from my body.
He stared at me eyes wide and cocked his head to the side. The taller one scrunched his eyebrows together and crossed his arms across his chest.
"Emma?" Dean asked, his face contorting in confusion.
"No... I'm Adalyn. Who's Emma? Do yo I have another daughter?" I said, this time it was my turn in confusion.
What made him think my name was Emma? Dread of coming here filled my body. I never should have thought that this would have turned out well. By the direction it is heading now it seems that things will be beyond catastrophic.
He forced a smile onto his face and gave a little chuckle, "Ahhh just messing with ya. Well, it seems that my day has seemed to open up."

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