Chapter Twenty Seven

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**Adalyn's POV**

I skipped over to Sam sitting on the edge of table. He barely looked up from his book that his eyes were plastered to. I leaned over and flipped the book shut.
"Yes," he smirked.
"Let's go on a hunt. I'm bored," I groaned.
It has been at least five days since we left the bunker and there wasn't much for a teenage girl to do. There was no tv. There was no pleasure reading books, unless I wanted to read about exorcising a demon, which I already knew how to do.
"I don't think Dean is, um, ready." Sam's voice drifted off as Dean walked into the room.
"Ready for what?" Dean asked as he set a sandwiches down on the table in front of us.
"I want to go on a hunt." I stated as I grabbed a sandwich, "I've been on several with Sam while you were gone."
Dean shot Sam a look but Sam tried to ignore it by trying to find the page he was at before in the book.
"Dean, don't give him flack because you were the absent one. He was only doing what he always does. You were gone for months it was bound to happen."
Dean raised his eyebrows at me. He opened his mouth to talk but ended up butting his tongue before he walked out of the room. Sam looked at me in confusion.
"What was that about?" Sam asked.
I shrugged my shoulders like it was no big deal and got up, retreating to my room. It was a big deal though. Dean had barely spoken two words to me since he had returned. I believe the only thing he said to me specifically was 'go to your room'. He hadn't even given me a hug. I felt dissed and unloved. I expected some big homecoming with hugs and tears but it has mostly been my tears, shed when I'm safely tucked away from everyone. It has been months...months and he doesn't have the decency to say hello, or sorry, or anything. Although at the moment, I hated him with all my guts, I also loved him. A love that I'm not sure is returned.

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