Chapter Forty Five

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**Adalyn's POV**

"You have to realize how much I love you because I do not like to ask anything of Crowley. I try to cut our visits as much as possible." Dean complained as she shut the car door.
He leaned against the side of the car, his arms crossed against his chest. A man stood in the middle of the street. He wore all black, black suit, black dress shirt, black tie, black shoes. He looked very depressing and solemn by his attire and by the scowl on his face.
"You can only imagine my sheer pleasure of knowing that you need my help." He seemed to taunt.
Dean rolled his eyes and walked over to the man, handing him the same piece of paper that he has handed Cas. The man skimmed over the list, nodding as he did so.
"Piece of cake for me, but it will cost you." he said putting the paper into the inside pocket of his jacket.
"I'm not here to play games, Crowley." Dean warned.
"Oh, neither am I. You see, this seems a lot like a crossroads deal to me. A demon doing a favor for someone, it's the perfect setup and gives me complete control over you." the little man smirked.
I could tell that Dean was beyond agitated but he was doing well at hiding it. I knew how much Sam and Dean hated Crowley. It seemed as if he were purposely trying to get a reaction out of them, but then again he is a demon and that's what they do. Crowley grasped his hands together and started to pace back and forth.
"Good for you though Dean, because I would rather take a bath in holy water than kiss you." he said disgustedly. "Who is the girl? She another one of your charity cases. Is that what the things on the list are for, are they to cure her?"
He practically laughed. I crossed my hands over my chest. I understand why Sam and Dean hate him so much.
"They aren't for her and it doesn't matter who she is." Dean said.
Crowley looked him over and then glanced at me. "Meet me here tomorrow to pick up the stuff. Oh, I almost forgot, Bring moose. I'll throw in some extra ingredient to cure antlers."
Dean walked back to the car and got in. I followed behind him.
"Why did you say I didn't matter?" I asked meekly.
"He's the king of hell, Addie. I'm not exactly passionate about giving him another person I love that he can ultimately use to hurt me. The less he knows the better." Dean sighed.
"Oh okay, and one more question. Why is moose?" I asked in confusion.
"Long story short, I'm squirrel and Sam's moose." He smirked.
I nodded my head. It didn't make sense to me but a lot of things don't. I looked out the window and watched out the window.

Thanks for 4k guys!! I'm so appreciative and grateful ☺️☺️
Please check out my other Spn fanfic if you like this one, it's called The Winchester Diaries.
Also, please check out my Newest thriller titled 12 Hours.

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