Chapter Twenty Six

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**Dean's POV**

I locked my bedroom door behind me. It was a caution I took to prevent anyone walking in on this phone call. The phone rings as I hold it up to my ear. I clenched the phone so hard my knuckles turned white.
"Dean," A voice said emotionless on the other side of the line.
"You said that you were under control." I almost growled.
"I was for the longest time. I had a slip up a couple months ago. It's never happened before that, I swear." She pleaded.
"Does she know... about you?" I asked, dreading the answer.
"No, I've hid it from her. Dean, I swear that was a moment of sheer weakness. I've learned to control it."
"I made you a promise if you couldn't control yourself and I fully intend on carrying it out... next time." I warned.
I heard her release a breath as she begin to talk, "It won't happen again. It shouldn't have happened the first time but I've been good."
"It doesn't matter what you've been Olivia. It only matters what you are now." I said as I hung up the phone.
My head swirled as I plopped down onto the bed. My eyes ached and begged for sleep. It every time I closed my eyes the faces of the people I loved haunted me like the ghosts they are.

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