Chapter Thirty Six

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**Adalyn's POV**

"Tell me about the case," I said leaning over Sam's shoulder.
I noticed Sam glancing over at Dean, not continuing until Dean gave him a nod of approval.
"Well, all the victims range from middle school to high school aged students at one school." Sam said.
I nodded at him to continue but he shrugged.
"That's all we know! You are telling me that is the only information!" I said my voice raised. I felt like a mother scolding their child.
"That's usually how we do things around here. We have a hunch and we check it out. You should know that by now." Dean chimed in.
"I know the schools name. We're checking it out tomorrow and the bodies too. Five kids have died." Sam said.
I plopped down on the bed beside Dean. He put his arm around my shoulder. A pang of guilt shot through me, I still hadn't told him. Sam and I exchanged a glance. He wanted me to tell Dean but I couldn't yet. I could barely even tell Sam.
"I am have an idea," I said a little hesitant.
"I know what you're thinking and one hundred percent absolutely not." Dean said almost yelling.
"I haven't even said my thing yet!" I defended myself.
Sam smirked and nodded for me to continue.
"Well, you guys need insider info about the school and who would be better than a student?" I said awaiting the yells.
Dean shook his head repeatedly but I already knew that he would disapprove. I was expecting Sam to overreact, but he didn't. He pondered the idea and I couldn't gather his views on it from his expression.
"Like I said, absolutely not." Dean held his opinion.
"Honestly, it's a good idea Dean." Sam said quietly.
Dean sighed and rubbed his cheek with his hand, "Fine, but only if you promise you won't do anything stupid!"

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