Chapter Five

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**Adalyn's POV**

"Who's he?" I asked as I walked into the common room.
A man wearing a trench coat and tie sat at the head of the table watching Sam and Dean inhale their breakfasts. Dean peered up and then paused his chewing like he was in deep thought. Him and the mystery guy stared at each other while the room became painfully silent.
"This is Cas. He's ummm... my friend." Dean said clearing his throat.
"Are you guys like together... as in romantically?" I asked trying to sound as serious as I could.
Dean dropped his spoon into his bowl and rolled his eyes. Cas sat expressionless like he was when I had walked in. His face looked pained like he had done too much wrong in the world or he was constipated. I shrugged it off, some people were just too serious. I could tell that Sam was trying to suppress a laugh.
"No! He is just a friend and not one of those friends with benefits either, just a friend. Does it look like I'm gay to you?" He said sounding hurt on the last part.
I let a laugh out which was followed by Sam's. Dean shot him a look and Sam quieted himself immediately. It was odd how Dean seemed to have so much power over Sam. I was an only child so I'm not sure how sibling relationships work but theirs seemed to be extremely respectful of each other.
"Well, my mom knew a few gay couples and some of the guys have this macho tough guy attitude. I'm not sure what you are hiding behind that front." I laughed.
Dean stared at me and then went back to eating. The room had this heavy tension. I'm not sure if it was because I am here or something that I have said. Maybe Dean was hiding something behind his tough guy act, or maybe that was just the way his personality was. Dean scarfed down his breakfast and then got up and gestured for me to follow him. He walked me back to my room and we sat down on the bed.
"I am hiding something behind my act..." Dean said, his voice was no longer deep and authoritative but weak and had a sadness behind it.
"I had a hard childhood and I still have a hard life. I have seen things that most people never will in their lifetime. I have lost everyone that I have ever loved and I hurt everyone around me. Inside I am just a scared, weak and broken boy who spends his time doing odd jobs so he doesn't have to think about how bad he feels inside," he said his voice cracking, "I have never told anyone that before but my point is that I act tough because mentally I want to give up and that is a terrible feeling. I know I haven't been there for you when you were growing up but I am here now. If you ever feel... anything at all. I am here for you to talk. I'm not the best at this dad thing but I'm willing to try."
I felt tears prickle the corners of my eyes. He stared at his hands which were clasped so hard his knuckles were white. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he turned to me. I felt a tear slip out and slide down my cheek. He pulled me in towards him and wrapped his arms around my small weak shoulders. This was the first time I have ever hugged my father and this is the first time I have ever felt like I have had a father.
"I have been waiting to hear that all my life." I whispered.

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