Chapter Twenty

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**Dean's POV**

Adalyn was curled up next to me. Her head was resting on my chest as she slept. I ran my hands over her hair, tears gathering in my eyes. How could she let me back in so fast? For gods sake I left her for months and sliced her arm only two hours ago. I am unsure of her reasons but I'm glad she accepted me so quickly. Sam sat down on the floor and leaned against the bed frame. He stared at Adalyn and I. For some reason I thought I saw hurt in his eyes.
"Look, you can't hurt again. She's a strong girl but she can't handle the leaving for months thing again." He sighed.
"I know... but I can't promise that I won't." I slowly said.
"If you are going to keep walking in and out if her life she is better off without you." He said, I could tell his teeth were clenched by the way he talked.
"I'm sure that you two had a lot of bonding time while I was gone but you have no right to be telling me how to be a father to her." I tried to restrain my anger.
I hated being told what to do and recently my patient levels have dove down to new depths. I felt myself getting angry over the stupidest things. I took a deep breath and tried to cleanse myself of the negative feelings.
"Fine, alright. I'm sorry but I'm just looking out for her." Sam said.
I decided it was better to not say anything. I have just came back and I don't want Sam kicking me to the curb, as if he even could. The room became silent as neither Sam or I continued the conversation. I stared the wall still running my fingers through her hair. I wasn't tired yet and I'm glad that I wasn't. I wanted this moment to last forever.
After quite some time there was a knock on the door. Sam and I stared at each other as there was a second knock. Sam grabbed a gun that he his under the bed and creaked open the door. Once he saw who was outside he let the door swing open and he walked away. In walked Cas. He was out of breath and he crouched over as soon as he walked in. He rested his hands on his knees and leaned over as he regained his composure.
"What is it Cas?" I asked.
He held up a finger as he stood up. His cheeks were flaming red. I have never seen him like this. Sam and I were thinking the same thing considering his confused expression. I would stand up but then I would risk waking Adalyn up.
"I... have... just... received... word... from... an... angel." He said out of breath.
"Okay, well why are you like 'this'?" I asked as I gestured towards him.
"I ran here... from across town... it's a lot... harder than it looks." He huffed.
Sam laughed and Cas shot him a look. Sam stopped but I couldn't help but smile.
"What did the angel say Cas?" Sam asked.
Cas sat down and closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. Sam and I exchanged a glance. Why was he acting so weird?
Cas looked up at us with his expressionless face, "God's back."

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