Chapter Forty Three

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**Dean's POV**

I knocked on the door twice with no answer either of the times. I decided to just walk in. She sat on the bed, her back facing me. I shut the door behind me. I was not sure if I should go try to comfort her or stay away so I stayed put. I did not want to take the risk of her getting mad if I tried to hug her or something.
"I'm mad at you." she said angrily. Her back was still facing me.
"I know, you've made that clear." I smirked.
She turned her head so the side of her face was visible to me. Her cheeks were rosy and had tears running along it. I felt my heart begin to break. I was the one who caused that pain. I am the one to blame for those tears. She brought her wrist up to her cheeks and wiped them.
"I feel so stupid." she muttered.
"You are not stupid Addie. You are smarter than Sam and I combined and I'm pretty smart." I joked.
She did not laugh or even smile. Instead, she turned her head to face the wall again. I shoved my hands into my pockets. I was never good at comforting crying women. I was good at seducing crying women or any woman for that matter.
"Just tell me if you can fix her." she muttered.
I sighed and ran my hand over my face. She looked back at me for a brief second and then continued to cry. She was taking my silence as my answer.
"Look, we don't know how to cure werewolves. We know how to kill them, that's easy but doing so kills the human as well." I sighed.
"Well, we drop our current case and we research and experiment till we find a cure. Then I'm going back home."
"Are you sure that you want to leave?" I questioned. I felt my throat begin to clench and tighten.
She stared at me. Her eyes were stone cold as she said, "One hundred and ten percent positive."

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