𝟚𝟡: <𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕤>

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the phone rang a couple of times before Asami picked up.


Kuroo swooped the phone quickly out of my hands and yelled happily into it "we're going to nationals!!"

"wait? what!!! Actually??!!! you're not just playing with me?!" she excitedly yelled back over the speaker phone 

"No I'm not!" he laughed

"take me off of speakerphone!" she demanded and Kuroo clicked the button, putting the phone up to his ear. 

You could hear a tiny yell and them some random murmers as kuroo just smiled like a goof over the phone. 

yeah, he likes her. 

"she wants me with give the phone to you" Kuroo looks to Yaku 

Yaku puts his hand out and takes the phone


"ARE YOU OKAY! MOM CALLED ME AND TOLD ME YOU HURT YOURSELF! CAN YOU WALK?" Asami yelled through the phone so loud everyone was able to hear even if it wasn't on speaker 

"I was fine until you started screaming in my ear. Don't worry about me not being able to walk, I'm more worried about my ear drums now!" he bit back


"would you stoooooppp yelling?!...AS- A- ASAMI YAKU! SHUT UP" she kept interrupting Yaku as he spoke

"here you take her" he handed the phone to me. 

I held the phone a good distance away from my ear since she was still yelling at the top of her lungs. 


"oooh Kireina-chan~" Asami happily exclaimed, taking a calmer tone

"...what...the hell" Yaku grumbled, annoyed as ever with his little sister 

I just laughed and responded to Asami, "hello?"

"congrats on you guys winning prelims! I'm proud of you!"

"haha, thanks, but the boys were the ones who won it"

"but you're the one who manages the poeple who won it, ergo, you won prelims"

"your logic makes no sense sometimes."

"it makes perfect sense. Anyways, I have to go, tell everyone I'm proud of them, byeeee~"

Then the phone hung up.

"she says she's proud of you all" I turned and smiled to everyone. 

they all just happily nodded. Lev and Shibayama were still in shock we'd all won, so they were just in a sort of haze. 

I rolled my eyes and pushed the two boys towards the entrance so we could all go home and they just waddled along. 


"Congratulations!!" Students yelled as they stayed after school and since the match was on TV they all were watching on the edge of their seats. 

A few girls made googly eyes at Kuroo which he just politely ignored. Asami walked out of the front of the building and with a big smile plastered on her face said "there's my boy"

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