𝟜𝟛: <𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕒𝕤𝕜>

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Saturdays were my favorite days of the week to be honest. You could stay up into the wee hours of the morning and wake up in the middle of the day and not have a single problem. No school, no exhausting social interaction, and a lot of times oji-san would cancel practice in favor of going for brunch with his friends. He'd usually tell the team something like "make sure to rest and not over eat...and kenma, make sure to eat" which would garner a laugh out of the boys. 

Originally, I'd intended to go visit Kuroo, but I figured him and Kozume were spending time since last night they were on the game together and there was no way broke college student Kuroo would sink his money into a video game and console to play it on when he could spend it on a better lunch than just natto and rice. 

I managed to pry myself from the computer and go downstairs for a snack. I'd just woken up maybe about an hour ago, and it was already 4:30 pm. 

I rummaged through m fridge for a minute before realizing I didn't have anything ready-made and I was too lazy to make food, so I just walked back upstairs .

Honestly, lately things have been pretty boring. Matsuomoto usually has practice or something on Saturdays, and it's the same thing with Asami, so I don't really have anyone to annoy anymore. And making new friends is completely off the table. 

It's funny what you learn to do when you're bored though. I managed to make a comprehensive list of cheat codes I could use to further annoy the mysoginistic gamer boys with egos bigger than their future (but that's not saying much). I laughed at the irony of it all though. After Kozume and I broke up it was like I wanted to do a 180, everything he so enjoyed about me I wanted to walk away from, and well... me showing dumb sexist assholes what's up used to be one of his favorite things. 

But honestly, it's a waste of time to change yourself just for your ex. 

I got onto twitter to see what was going on in the internet  world and the first things that hits my face like a giant brick is an article.

an article about Kozume. 

Kodzuken on hiatus?

It seems like wherever I go I can't escape this boy. He's literally everywhere. I'm not mad at it, but I know I should address it to my fanbase. 

there were always comments asking me how Kozume was doing or if something happened, and its mostly due to Kozume going on a social media hiatus after he broke up with me. 

even if a fan catches him on a server or something, now that we don't play together anymore I'm sure they try and talk to him about it. 


I was running along a little dirt path in the game I'd started last night and had come to a small embankment with a river and some rocks. I was getting ready to jump on the first rock when I saw a little creature surface before quickly sinking. Immediately, I backed up, switching from a long sword to a bow and arrow. I wanted to get across the river quickly and without a hitch if possible. 

I pressed the sprint button and jumped across the rocks, not taking my eyes of the mob. I made it over pretty fast and backpedaled into the forest, until I was out of range for the mob. All I needed to do now was follow a path to a castle in the middle of the forest to get my next mob kill. 

I had a small call notification pop up on my screen, which caught my attention. Usually people don't call me.

Incoming call from Kodzuken...

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