𝟛𝟝: <𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤>

200 11 8


I woke up with the morning light shining into my eyes, and a pair of arms wrapped tightly around my torso. I combed my hands through the mop of grown-out-dyed-hair and kissed the top of Kenma's forehead. 

"Morning" I smiled down to him and she looked up at me, his eyes still hazy with sleep. 


"Is it too early for you? wanna go back to bed?" 

"No, it's okay, we have to get going to the con" 

Kenma got up and shuffled his way over to the bathroom and started brushing his teeth. We both shuffled around our shared hotel room getting dressed and gathering things we needed for the day until we were ready to head out. I put the last of the things I needed into my backpack and Kenma lead me to the warehouse that the con was being held in.

 As we approached the huge building, there were people congregating in groups and taking photos with cosplayers.  I looked to my left and saw Kenma tense a little, but he took a deep breath. I squeezed his hand and smiled to him to reassure him and he gave me a sweet smile back as we entered the big building. 

On the left were tons of indie game booths, and to the right were merch booths. Kenma and I took our time looking around as we checked out the up-and-coming games. 

At the end of the aisle was a booth with a large TV playing some sort of samurai game. As Kenma and I approached the booth we both immediately were fixated. The main character, a samurai, was walking across the screen toward the enemy soldier, katana drawn and prepared to finish the man off. Then the scene cut to some gameplay of the Samurai infiltrating what we could only assume was a castle. Overall the game looked intense and by the time I was looking at Kenma to get his opinion on it he was already grabbing his wallet to place a pre-order. 

It was funny how quickly he can be enticed by something so simple as a game. 

After the two of us placed out preorders we began to walk around again, slipping into a large room where a panel was being held. 

"What was the most trying thing you've experienced as a gaming youtuber?" a random guy asked from the audience. 

You could see the speaker think for a moment before answering, "I used to be the type of person to do whatever I want, whenever I want. So losing just a bit of that flexibility was a difficulty to adjust to."

Kenma and I both laughed, knowing it was probably the truth. We took a seat in the back and listened to the panels for a moment. 

"so, who's been your favorite mid-level popularity gaming streamer as of recently?"

A dark brown haired guy thought about it for maybe two seconds before replying, "propbably Kodzuken. He seems really good and an easy guy to get along with. I'd like to play with him some day"

to this a blond girl to his right got excited, "you've heard about his ship, right?"


"he's dating neko-chan. Everyone calls them KodzuNeko, how have you not heard about this, they've been dating for almost a year"

"really? those two are dating? I would've never guessed it" 

"yeah, they even have matching profile photos on their twitch accounts" the girl grabbed her phone and was about ready to pull up our accounts when Kenma leaned in and whispered to me. 

neko-chan| kenma kozumeWhere stories live. Discover now