𝟛𝟠: <𝕨𝕒𝕝𝕜 𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕖>

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"kuro, where are you?!?!?!" kenma shouted angrily into the phone, "you're going to miss practice"

"kenma, i'm in college"

"...oh...yeah" kenma looked down to the ground with tears brimming in his eyes. i'd just managed to walk up to him and heard the tail end of their conversation. He looked so frustrated, i felt my heart being pulled apart seeing it.

"hey, are you okay?" i walked over and put my hand on his shoulder, "we should go inside, vice captain"

i gave a gentle smile to him and he just nodded his head.

He'd told me before that the year that kuroo became a 1st year at nekoma and kenma a 3rd year in middle school was borderline miserable for him; so it's obvious he's going through the motions again.

it just hurts to see


walking to school has been probably the most awkward part of mine and kenma's routine. He's able to get himself up in the mornings now, but I still walk to his house to walk with him every day. It seems like his whole demeanor has changed. If he doesn't have his eyes glued to the psp, then he's borderline ignoring me and just off in his own world. I don't know what I've done wrong and I wish he'd just tell me. I miss having the old Kenma, the one who'd hold my hand on the way to school, call me when he got home to ask if i wanted to play a game, the one who'd be perfectly content to spend the day at my house on the couch playing video games all day and doing nothing else.

"What are you doing this weekend?" i looked over to kenma, wiggling my thumbs back and forth along the joystick of my psp, making my character spin in circles

"i'm busy" he quickly replied, cutting the conversation off there.

i stared out the window looking out onto the school ground. it was almost the end of sakura season, but not quite. the ratio of petals on the ground compared to the trees was a good difference, but never the less still beautiful.

but such beauty only felt half as mesmerizing when in the back of my mind I wondered if my boyfriend still loved me anymore.


I chose to give kenma his space, and just opted to walking to practice alone. the halls felt just that little bit bigger and colder. I missed having him right next to me, I wanted to hold his hand, watch him play one of the games on his phone; normal things the two of us used to do. it felt like the rift between us was slowly pulling further and further and becoming a ravine.

"bye tensai-senpai!! have a good weekend" one of the new first years, hiro, waved me goodbye.

"goodbye Shimata-san" i waved to him and walked out of the door.

I'd decided i was done waiting around for kenma after practice only to have him tell me he wanted to walk home alone. Honestly, i was done waiting for him in the first place. Everything felt so cold and one-sided, like a different person other than my boyfriend.

"tensai-chan!" i heard someone shout from behind me. i turned and saw Matsuomoto waving to me. his baseball uniform looked slightly disheveled and his top three buttons were undone.

neko-chan| kenma kozumeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt