𝟝𝟡: <𝕞𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕦𝕤>

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Kenma, Asami, and I all made our way out of the house and towards our families. Kawari had met Kuroo once before so I told him to just go find him.

"so, how does it feel to be onto college, huh?" Kuroo nudged Kenma and I while Asami was talking with her parents and older brother.

"Kinda just the same" I shrugged. I really didn't want to think of college then.

"well, maybe it just hasn't set in..." Kenma spoke a little louder than normal, but that was just because of the noisy crowd.

Yaku walked over to Kuroo, Kenma and I with Asami trailing right behind him.

He looked over to Kuroo, punching his shoulder, "well, your girlfriend is offically a highschool graduate. If you don't get er something good as a gift I'll kick your ass"

The look Morisuke gave Kuroo was one that could suck the soul out of anyone.

"what do you mean my girlfriend is a highschool graduate?" Kuroo nervously laughed, shifting his weight from one foot to the other and scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm not dumb. I've known since you two started dating last year." Morisuke narrowed his eyes.

"oh, I see" Kuroo let out a laugh and just looked to Asami who had an 'oh well the jig is up' look on her face. She shrugged her shoulders and walked over to him. He held onto her waist while everyone was talking.

I wormed away from the crowd of us graduates and close friends and found Kawari talking to Kenma's parents.

"Kireina-chan" Kenma's mom happily greeted me, calling me over to their group.

"ah, hi Kozume-san" I smiled, standing next to Kawari.

"I was just talking to Kawari-san about you and Kenma-kun!" she smiled

"oh, really" I nervously laughed.

"yes, I was going over what your father had chosen for you college" Kawari nodded, a sympathetic smile on my face. Clearly he felt bad for bringing up both my dad and college.

"I see"

"oh, about that," Kenma's mom grabbed my hand, "I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Just know that Koshiro-kun and I are always here for you"

"oh, thank you" I smiled to her, biting my tongue to keep my mind off my emotions about my dad for the most part.

She nodded and joined whatever conversation Kenma's dad and Kawari were having, her same perky attitude evident.

I think Kenma got his demeanor for the most part from his dad, but he looks alot like his mom. The only physical attributes that I'd give to his dad is his height and his build. Other than that he had his mom's mouth, nose, eyes, and a bit stronger but the same jaw.

it's funny, everyone always said I looked a lot like my mom as well.


I took another look at myself in the mirror, my face dripping wet with cold water and my brows furrowed. My cheeks were a bold red from slapping them and the icy water hitting them. I rested my weight on my arms.

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