𝟚𝟞: <𝕕𝕖𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕪>

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"hey, c'mon, I want to hike up to the summit of the mountain to watch the fireworks" Kenma pulled me towards the base of the mountain where all the hiking trails and and cable cars were. He paused for a minute before pulling me up onto the cable car platform. We waited for the cable car to the stop halfway up the mountain. The cable car passed over the acres and acres of trees, the view was gorgeous. We weren't moving very fast, but I stood at the window and peered out while holding Kenma's hand. We were the only ones in the cable car.

We finally slowed to a stop and got off, Kenma tugged on my hand, leading me off the platform.

"Neko-kun, where are we going?"

"you'll see"

"can you at least give me a hint" I giggled

"yeah, we're hiking the rest of the way there"

"not very much of a hint"

"sorry, I can't ruin the surprise" he grabbed my hand and gently kissed the back of it.

I tried to stutter out something but eventually gave up, earning a smirk from Kenma.

We walked along the trail as Kenma held a lantern he picked up at the cable car stop. The golden light brushed along the green trees, I looked around in awe of the view. The route I always took up the mountain was beautiful, yes, but with Kenma holding my hand... something was different.

We both walked mostly in silence, occasionally talking about something we saw along the trail or the view. Finally we reached the shrine on the mountain. Kenma walked me up the steps, still holding my hand; he brushed his thumb along the side of it gently as we looked around. 

before we entered, we went to purify ourselves through chozuya, then walked into the shrine.

The shrine was lit up with string lights, banners stung all around. It almost seemed as if it glowed, especially the torii. There were stands with omomoris and other goodluck charms. I pulled kenma over to a miko selling omomoris for happiness and bought two, tying one onto my purse and giving Kenma the other. Since we were some of the first people to stop by the shrine before the rush because of the sunrise, we enjoyed the fairly empty area. There were only two other couples and a family with a son who only looked to be about three.

Looking around the air smelt cleaner, and the stars were more visible. I looked up into the night sky, the sky was filled with stars that shone in the brilliant navy blue abyss. the constellations could be made out, the moon stood out among the backdrop. Small bells at the front of the chime danced in the wind and deep green trees framed my view.

"wanna go ring the bell?" Kenma snapped me out of my gaze.

"huh? oh, yeah, sure!" I smiled a bit as we walked over to the massive bell.

tossing a coin into the box in front of us as we were under the torii, I rung the bell and we clapped our hands. A moment of silence passed as we gave our prayers, hoping the spirits would smile down upon us.

Once we circled back around I got an omikuji for extra measure on my luck since you can never be too careful. I shook the box and let the stick fall out, walking over to get my prediction from the miko.

I read through my fortune, as usual not all were exactly ideal, but for the most part it was pretty good.

"that's not bad" I smiled to Kenma and he nodded, we both folded up our omikujis and tied them to a nearby tree before bidding farewell to the shrine.


We only walked a little further before getting to the peak of mount Takao. Kenma pulled me onto one of the smaller trails and gradually the surroundings started becoming familiar.

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