𝟜𝟚: <𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖 𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖>

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the day Kireina and Kenma broke up; about 1 hr after Kenma left

Asami held onto my shoulders as she walked to my house with me. She called her mom and told her we decided to stay at my place for the night, to which the jovial woman chirped an okay and be safe, then hung up the phone. 

I drug my feet up the steps and to my room. I accidentally hit my wrist and felt the cold metal of the charm bracelet he gave. I heard the jingle of the charms as they swayed and hit each other for a moment. I ignored it for now, walking over and grabbing the nearest hoodie I could find, and threw it on. 

It just so happened to be Kenma's hoodie. 

At this point though, I didn't care. Maybe I secretly hoped it would provide some comfort, maybe some solace, but deep down I knew it's just that I wanted the scent of his cologne wrapping around me one last time. 

I laid down on my bed and pulled my throw blanket over my head, wanting to just hide away from the world. I eventually fell asleep, tears staining my face and wetting the sweatshirt. 

I was woken up with the smell of fruit. Asami walked in, setting a tray of sliced fruit infront of me. She sighed with an apologetic look on her face before she spoke, "do you want to talk about it?"

No, I didn't really, but I knew I'd eventually tell her, and maybe she could help me, "he just... cut it off. He said he couldn't anymore. I asked him if we could patch stuff up but he just said no and left after apologizing. "

"is that seriously all he did?" 

"yeah...," I bit back more sobs that threatened to spill from me, "I feel like he never was truly mine, and losing him has managed to break my heart" 

"don't think that way, he never deserved you" Asami patted my back. I know deep down she thinks Kenma is a decent person, or else she would've said something at the beginning, but I think she's lost a little bit of her trust in him. 

"It feels like the world stopped and shut down for a moment... sort of like my world was being ripped away from me"

"you can't place all of your value in a boy, Kireina" 

"no, it wasn't that. It's just that I thought he still loved me and that he was just going through a hard time and we'd get through it...but I'm pretty sure  I was wrong" I bitterly laughed at myself. 

"he made a stupid decision,  unfortunately now you have to make the smart one and move on. I guess that's just the risk you take in a relationship. Heartbreak is a normal human emotion, Kireina, you go through it when you want to form a human connection and it gets broken off, I don't think there's not a person in this world who hasn't experienced heartbreak in one way or another, and if there is, I'd like to meet them" 

Its always like Asami can read my mind, ever since we were little. It's kinda freaky, but at times like this, its comforting to know at least someone has a good idea at what's going on in your mind. 

Asami sighed, picking up the remote to my TV and turned it on. 

She looked over her shoulder and back at me, a gentle smile on her face, "wanna watch Ponyo?" 

I nodded as I moved over so she'd have space to sit down on the bed next to me. 

Back to present time

I folded Kozume's sweatshirt after washing it and setting it aside, I planned to give it to him at the next volleyball practice. I heard a little jingle from my computed and made my way to my game room, a small bounce in my step. 

I saw the game was finished downloading, immediately I plopped down in my chair and started the game. Seeing the game startup screen and all of the amazing graphics, I basically had stars in my eyes. starting a new game for me is like getting a new puppy or kitten, and I don't think that'll change anytime soon for me. 

I logged on onto an online server, looking for a good place to start. I decided to check who was on the server, scrolling through dozens of usernames, a couple caught my eye. 

Kodzuken is online 

Tetsur01 is online

I laughed in irony at the situation. It was unexpected to see Kuroo up this late, let alone playing video games with Kenma. I decided I didn't want to actively go out of my way to avoid them, but I wouldn't look for them either. 

I made my first stop at player services, just to find out the controls and change a couple things I always change around. From there I just decided to go straight in and fight a mob, hoping to get some money to buy weapon upgrades. 

Along a little trail just to the south of spawn was what looked like a less densely populated area to play, which means less lag. the trail was pretty empty when it came to mobs as well, so I was expecting for this to be a beginner mob. 

At the end of the trail was a little run-down old japanese style shack. the discolored wood and multi colored tiles were a dead giveaway to this being a mob spawn point. going into the house with my sword drawn, I made sure to check behind 

and here's where I made my second mistake. 

you see, my first mistake was going to the empty area of a brand new game... yeah, great judgement, Kireina. 

then my second mistake is not looking above and underneath me when I entered that house. 

I saw a bunch of wood and a loud bang and then saw my character topple down on my screen. Then, when my character finally got up the creature was attacking me. I never had a chance to draw my sword when my soul left my body, then the creature just exploded exp in front of me. 

I looked around confused for a moment before I saw a chat pop up. 

tetsur01: sorry if I hit ya lmao :P

I laughed before responding

Neko_Gema: you're good bro lol thanks

with that he had his character do an emote waving me bye before running down a hallway to another player I could only assume was Kozume. 

I continued down the hallway that the monster brought me down into to keep fighting, hoping I'd have some miraculous rookie's luck. 



Hi guys! happy tuesday!! I hope you're all doing good! I just started school back up from break and I am not a fan of having to wake up at 8:30 in the morning. I'm 100% a night owl and that's when I get all of my work done so my sleep schedule is literally jumping off of a cliff here soon, like its a straight drop, my friends. But, it's all good, I usually run on not a ton of sleep anyways (even though when I can sleep I sleep like 12 hrs lmao). I wrote the outlines and notes for a couple of books I want to release once I finish up Gravity and Neko-chan, so hopefully you'll all be seeing those soon as one of them is highly requested and I already have a plot for another highly requested one brewing in my head. Anyways, I hope you all have an amazing morning/afternoon/night and please stay safe!


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