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"kenma, eat" you said as you pushed a small amount of food his way, you knew he had a small apetite and as a person with an even smaller one you empathized but still, he refused to eat

"if you think i did something to your food you're wrong, you, akaashi, and yaku are safe from my wrath" you said warmly towards the setter which was obviously the ticket becuase he finally began to eat

"how come i'm not safe kireina-chan?" lev questioned towards you, to which you replied "i have it out of obnoxiously tall people like you and then gave him and evil grin. you could hear yaku snickering.

"kiki, can you make me some?" osamu asked you, gesturing towards the meat you were grilling
you raised and eye brow and then heard atsumu ask "you sure you wanna do that 'samu, you're makin' a deal with the devil y'know"
osamu just calmly replied "well, if she does something to it...i kinda know where she lives and i kinda have a key to her house, and also i could just sabotage some of her most precious items"

you knew osamu was threatening your gaming computer becuase the twins were in on your side of the secret about your small gaming addiction. you sweat dropped and nodded muttering a small "that's fair" before handing him some of the finished meat

"you tamed the beast myaa-sam!" bokuto exclaimed before he caught the sinister expression on your face, he then gulped

"how's that skirt steak bokuto-san?" you evilly asked
bokuto sat there confused for a minute but then realized the burning sensation in his mouth and that's when he figured out that he'd fallen for a similar trick as kuroo

"akaashiiiiiiiii" bokuto whined and akaashi quickly handed bokuto a glass of water before laughing to himself, akaashi did have to admit, you were just like a cat, sly and clever.

lev had a worried expression on his face before he'd realized you'd gotten him too

...and then atsumu started coughing and figured out you'd managed to get him

"how'd you figure it out kireina-chan?" yaku asked looking at you with a slight grin
"mmmmm lets just go with a lots of practice for now yaku-san." you grinned slyly, then you looked over at atsumu before you cracked up laughing, "you fall for it every time 'tsumu"

lev tried to get you back, but then he realized that you have an extremely high spice tolerance so not much was going to work against you


once the meal was all done, you insisted on paying for it all, but akaashi, yaku, and kenma refused and pitched in money even after you protested against it.

you all decided to walk around tokyo's shopping district for a while and get some crepes, you and kenma were already pretty full so you both just split an apple pie flavored one.

you all hopped from store to store giving each other ridiculous challenges here and there

you were all in a shoe store when you gave bokuto, kuroo, osamu, and atsumu a sly smile and said, "i'll buy you guys each a new pair of volley ball shoes if you walk around in high-heeled boots for long enough that i can get a good video" osamu and atsumu chickened out, but ten minutes later after finding ones that fit them, there was kuroo and bokuto in high-heeled boots all just for a pair of volleyball shoes

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