𝟛𝟞: <𝕤𝕦𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟>

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I walked into school, feeling myself already bubbling over with tears, this was the last time our routine would be the same as it was before. The last time everyone would be together for a while. As Kuroo split off from Kenma and I, I gently held Kenma's wrist and guided him to our classroom. We both sat down and sighed. Kenma had his head in his video game even more this morning, but that was just his way of coping. He knew things were going to change, and he wasn't very fond of it.

It was just a matter of a waiting game until after lunch, a bit of a struggle to keep my emotions in check, but still a time to soak up and enjoy.

tears welled in my eyes, seeing kuroo walk across the stage setup for graduates and receive his diploma was a bittersweet feeling. knowing that basically my older brother would be leaving everyone was upsetting to say the least, but I wes excited to see him move on to the next chapter in his life. seeing him finally turn the tassel in his graduation cap made me feel so proud of him, so, so proud. Not even the falling sakura petals that danced in the wind could ease the swirling emotions I felt. then Kai, and finally Yaku, my other older brother. As Kuroo walked off the stage, his certificate in hand, he engulfed Kenma and I in his arms.

"i did it!!! guys, i'm going to college!"

"uhuh, you are!" I choked back tears as I smiled happily for kuroo. I looked over to kenma to see him trying his hardest to hold back his emotions, which would sometimes get the best of him, his eyes beginning to grow red from blinking back the tears.

"no, don't cry, i'm going to tokyo-u the college isn't that far away from here, i'm right around the corner" kuroo said, squeezing us both tighter into a hug, I felt tears brimming.

"no, no, kuroo, you don't worry, this is a happy day, you're going to college!" I said smiling as tears spilled from my eyes.

"come on, let's go get food!" Kai and Yaku walked over to the group, ushering for the whole team to go get some lunch and celebrate. I saw lev's face was red and puffy, clearly upset because he won't be able to see yaku on a daily basis anymore. I patted lev on the back and smiled up lightly at the silvery-haired boy. he gave me a feint smile and we all kept on walking.


the graduation party was a lot of fun, there were games and stories. the volleyball team even managed to schedule one last match between fukurodani, karasuno, and nekoma, everyone was supposed to meet at the school and head to fukurodani the next day. sometimes, I'd look over at kenma and catch a stray tear fall from his eyes as the team shared fond stories of their times in the club.

"'tora, how does it feel to be captain?" kuroo said patting yamamoto's back

"it's gonna be great!" yamamoto beamed. the team had decided previously that yamamoto was going to be captain and I'd convinced kenma to become vice captain since everyone knew there was no way Fukunaga was going to do it. (the only reason everyone knew is because when I approached him he shook his head and said, "no can do sarg")

"you're going to have your work cut out for you" kai smiled at me, I nodded in return

"you know, it's funny, at the beginning of the year, i only did this as a favor to asami, i was planning to quit after this year, but now, experiencing everything, i wouldn't trade any of this for the world" I said smiling but still having a shaky voice

kuroo looked over at me in shock and tackled me in a hug, yaku joining in. "our little girl is growing up!!!!" they cried

"ummph! let me go!!" I laughed, although being muffled by kuroo and yaku

we all had an amazing night and went to the akihabara district for karaoke and stayed out late into the night.

I could hear a small conversation going on outside of the karaoke bar we all were at as kuroo, yaku, and kenma has excused themselves to go outside.

"take care of her" yaku said

"yeah, she's one of those girls you only get once in a lifetime, hold onto her, and hold onto her tight, okay kenma" kuroo said

"i know, i'm not going to let anything happen to her" you could hear kenma say, which brought the biggest grin onto your face.

"well, I guess we really don't have much to worry about," Yaku chuckled, "he did give her a promise ring, even if it was plastic."

"ahhh yes, Kenma the romantic" Kuroo teased

"it'll eventually get replaced" Kenma grumpily replied to the boys, garnering a laugh from the two of them.

"I mean, I wouldn't talk Yaku, you kick your boysfriend's ass on a daily basis" Kuroo snidely remarked

"and you girlfriend bosses you around and has you wrapped around her finger!" Yaku complained back

"so what," I could basically hear the shrug in Kuroo's voice, "besides, we aren't 'official' yet"

"don't say that" Yaku said in a slightly darker tone.


Kenma and I stood as we watched Kuroo pack a few things into boxes, and put them in the back of his dad's car.

"you literally live in the same city as the university you're going to, I don't see why you have to move into the dorms" I grumbled to Kuroo, my arms folded

"sorry, it's mandated all freshman have to"

"have fun at the bottom of the food chain again, chump" Kenma snarkily joked to Kuroo, proceeding to spam a button on his video game.

"yeah, we'll see how that goes, loser" Kuroo joked back.

Just then Kenma's video game chimed with the defeat tune and Kenma gave a dirty look to Kuroo. Kuroo just gave his usual smirk.

"I'll try and visit when I can, yeah?" Kuroo told Kenma and I as he got into the driver's seat of the car.

"the key's always under the door mat" I told him as he nodded, putting the car into drive and pulling away from the curbside of his home.

"well, I guess we'll see how third year goes, huh?" I looked over to Kenma. He nodded nervously as we'd both been counting down the days until third year began. it was less than a week away.

I looked down at my charm bracelet and jingled the charms around slightly. Looking at the newest one I'd procured at the Kyoto comicon, a small little Kirby holding a nintendo switch.

"you think anything big will happen?" Kenma asked, choking back the nerves in his voice.

"I'm not really sure... anything can happen in third year, right" I looked to him, reciprocating the same feelings of unsureness

"I mean, it's just highschool, not much can chaange"

"I suppose you're right about that"


soooo i'm on vacation right now. but anyways, i've had two VERY long flights today and a lay over i'd like to not  discuss 😂. i'm going to bed now because i'm 3 hours ahead of my normal time and have done a lot today, so i hope you all have a good morning/afternoon/night, and please stay safe!


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