Chapter 32

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There was not much to be said after the revelation

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There was not much to be said after the revelation. For once we'd both gone quiet, sitting side by side on the carpeted floor of cream coloured room. The laptop had sat showcasing the empty drive that was rid of all its blackmailing evidence.

I had no doubt Katrina got rid of every piece. She was smart to know what I had would damn her. In turn I deleted the recording and we agreed to not speak of what transpired. Or rather how we both broke down a little, her ending in near tears.

But one person I knew that needed to be addressed was Isaac. Oliver obviously still had control over him. I only wonder for how long since he got back.

So I asked Katrina to meet him, talk to him soon and tell him why she had to do that. I too had a conversation due with him. If he were willing to open up about England, it'd be a time I can ask about Oliver too.

By the end of the exhausting day, I realised, I might actually care about these people. Nobody deserved the sort of pain they'd gone through. Nobody should be controlled to the point they become who they hate.

And now I actually wanted to help them instead of shoving them to their misery. Maybe Camille 2.0 isn't so terrible and mean after all. I thought this as I climbed down the stairs wanted to get an early dinner tonight.

I get to the landing to find a woman standing there, arms crossed as she scanned the place with critical dark eyes.


Blinking rapidly, I walk closer, refraining from pinching the skin on my arms to confirm. She smiles at me, raising her arms for a hug. I step into her embrace, a little dazed, a little grateful. She engulfs me, squeezing tight. It almost felt right. Almost.

"You're really here?" I back up, and take her in.

"Surprise, I guess. I thought you knew I was coming. Suppose that's why your father asked me not to text you on the way here."

"No one tol-"

"Because it's called a surprise silly!" the excited voice drifts down alongside the familiar click of heels. I turn around to face the blonde bitch herself. I catch my mother's dark eyes and see the usual frown trickling into place.

"Was it now?" I speak. My voice was firm, threating to tremble. I needed show my mother I'm in control. I needed her to know I was not swept away but their expensive luxuries and fake smiles. But another thing she needed to know, was that I was not the same Camille she nurtured for 16 years.

"Well, of course Camille. What else do you call this? An ambush?"

"Wouldn't put it past you." I reply as she turns her gaze towards the woman beside me. Mom was shorter than Belinda as she lacked the heels every damn woman in this society wore. But she had a stern expression to make for the dominance in height.

The blonde woman smiled down at her, seeping in the superiority she felt, inside her glamourous house. All she need was my father next to her to remind my mother what she does not have, and no longer has. Fortunately, she still had me.

Expensive Favours - Favours Series #1Where stories live. Discover now