Chapter 55

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The dinner was a drag, filled with thick silences, strange glances, and one annoyingly manipulative man. Most of the talk circled Isaac with the lacrosse and a project he was doing for his dad, things that kept him busy. Things that kept him away from Oliver.

If the others picked up Oliver's strange behaviour, they summed it up to him being nosy. Because he had prodded at Rose's sister again as well as asked how Michael dealt with the backlash of the public. All of it made dinner even more repulsive.

The Swede knew of the discomfort he was causing, the holes he was poking into our insecurities. And he knew none of us of do anything. But not because there was blackmail hanging in the balance, but because there was worry and care for Katrina. The others held on for her, even Michael. It spoke volumes about their character.

After the dinner had ended, I offered to drop Isaac home and we'd left before there was too much protest or question. I'd spotted the furrow between Michael's brows, but didn't give it much thought. He could think what he wanted, I was trying to protect his best friend.

Inside the car, we'd called Nick to tell him what happened. I could hear how annoyed Nick was at Oliver's sudden appearance, at his interruption. There was the question of whether their relationship would forever be like this, hiding in fear.

There was no answer Isaac or I could give him for that. I looked at the dirty blonde hair, dishevelled as Isaac kept running his hands through it. Nick hadn't ended the call on good terms.

"It'll get better. Give him some time. This is the first time he realised what kind of...interruption Oliver is."

"It'll take more than time to keep this relationship going."

"Have some faith. He..." I blink and turn to him, "He loves you." Isaac breaths in deeply. The words were precious to him. I wondered if I said the wrong thing, if I'd presumed too early.

"Oliver claims he loves me too. But that doesn't justify his actions. Doesn't mean he's going let me go for the good of us both."

He was right. Love wasn't an excuse. It was also not a reason someone would stay.

"Then what is love Isaac?" The words slip out before I can swallow them.

He scans me, but I keep my eyes on the road. "I don't know."

" love Nick don't you?"

"I...I do. I really like him. Words can't describe how happy he makes me Cam. But...what if he doesn't love me? This isn't the ideal relationship, it's not something anyone would want to continue."

Slowing the car to a halt in front of his house, I shift my body to face him. "I was there when you practically confessed to him. I saw his surprise, his relief and his adoration for you. I may not know what love is, but I know that guy believes in you, trusts you, and will be by your side for a long time. He's not going to give up after the first round. Love definitely doesn't mean giving up, and hiding your feelings, and...protecting yourself." I heave a sigh, thumbing the pendant of the necklace they'd given me, "It's protecting the other person, comprise and communication."

"Yeah. Maybe you know more than you let on."

"I know what love isn't. So I suppose I know something."

He tilts his head, "What's going on with you?"

I crack a smile, "We're talking about your love life, not my non-existent one."

"I'd rather not think about mine anymore. God, I would kill for a smoke."

"But you shouldn't. Murder is bad you know."

Expensive Favours - Favours Series #1Where stories live. Discover now