Chapter 46

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The case went through

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The case went through. All my efforts became worth it once Elizabeth told me the news with a large grin. I smiled back and thanked her wholeheartedly.

The investigation found evidence of tampering and fraud and now the charity and most of its donors were undergoing thorough search. But there was enough evidence to stop the charity's functions and file a suit against the founders.

Everyone had congratulations to give, and the media was suddenly supporting me. It was all worth it in the end, to bear the consequences of doing bad for good. I could see why heroes did all they did in books and movies. The rush was amazing.

I even relayed the news to Dean as we spent the Sunday roaming Brooklyn, since he wanted to show me some of his favourite spots. For once, I'd used the subway system and I had even gotten my camera out of hiding for the day out.

Of course, who he possibly was with Bruce Walter still loomed large at the back of my mind. But he seemed all too charming outside of that frame.

"We should celebrate this. You deserve this victory." I glanced up at him, putting down the camera. "A party maybe. What do you think?"

"I don't know if I'd be able to do a party." I could sense the impending judgment, "I don't care what they think about me throwing a party now, but my venue would be a problem."

"There's plenty of other venues." He thinks for a moment before asking, "Would you feel uncomfortable? Is that why? I assumed you'd be okay since, you were fine at the club-" I wave a hand, both glad he understood, but annoyed he found a weakness.

"The club was full of strangers who were too drunk to know me. A party would be similar, but...maybe it should be small."

"Intimate ten type?" Would that intimate ten include more than the royals? Would it include Michael? No. That shouldn't even be a question.

"," I snap out of my daze, "no, then I wouldn't be able to invite you." I remind him he is still a stranger with a smile. "Where would I have it though? It can't be the club."

"You have so little faith in me. Come on, we can catch a train over if we hurry."

He dragged me across Brooklyn to a private building, the interior looking close to a loft with two floors, including a balcony overlooking an open dance floor space. It seemed extra, but appropriate for a party.

Throwing a house party was one thing but a celebratory party at a new venue is a whole other thing. While everyone expected me to brush off the judgment, I couldn't do so again with a roll of my eyes. I felt scrutinised now.

But I had a plan like always. Private party, guest list of maybe 50, keep it on the down low, get Viv to arrange it all. Then there was another looming idea.

I didn't think of it first, but subconsciously I knew what I was going after. I wanted revenge. I wanted blackmail. Anything to get to him, to show him I don't back down easily, that I was not scared of him.

Expensive Favours - Favours Series #1Where stories live. Discover now