Chapter 16

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I'd suggest playing Raise Hell by the third scene.

As predicted the 'Hate Camille' week starts as I find my parking spot occupied, by who's Porsche, I didn't know and I didn't care

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As predicted the 'Hate Camille' week starts as I find my parking spot occupied, by who's Porsche, I didn't know and I didn't care. But I had a feeling it was Rose's doing. I simply puffed out an annoyed breath and found another spot.

Albeit by having to pay off a kid to park somewhere else because I was running late, but eh technicalities.

I walk into the main hallway, blue lockers lined up, students milling about, going off to their homerooms. It felt weird. Like tumbleweeds rolling across the desert sand before the battle begins. Like a stage awaiting the next drama.

Then I spot my opponent. The actress.

Like the school awaiting the rebel and Queen Bee to have a cat fight. The royal and the rebel. It had a nice ring to it. I should it pitch it to the school press.

Her posse of two girls stand behind her scowling and snickering when they see me. Rose turns to her slim body towards me, "There she is. The party crasher. The wannabe rebel. The lost cause that Vivian had to pick up. What are you even doing back here?" she grins at me, her pearly white teeth on full display masking the real scowl. "You don't belong here Sanders."

"Whoops, your last name slipped. Are you going punch me too now? Seems that's all you know. That and hoping to take dick pics. You must be really crazy to do that."

I eye her, "I'll admit I crossed a bit of a line there. But let's not get too attached to avenging Michael shall we? We were only having fun. But if you want be a lov-"

"Don't try Camille. Don't bother. No one believes a desperate bitch like you. You tried to use Vivian to worm your way into our group and didn't think we'd notice. Well, honey, you don't know us. You're already a goner now. By the end of the day everyone will see you as you are.

"And you are just an attention seeking whore." She laughs. "It's sad."

And that was it. I was titled an attention seeking whore by one of the most hypocritical bitches on the planet.

Unfazed by her eloquent Queen Bitch regaining speech, I let out a yawn and check the time on my phone.

"Are you done? Cause I need to get to homeroom if you don't mind." I walk forward, stopping only when I'm by her side. I lean to her ear, "If you think this speech of yours is going to rocket launch you back to the throne, you're mistaken honey. You gave it up and kissed it good bye. So don't expect Katrina to give it back out of sympathy for this pathetic attempt of reputation sabotage. Because you should know I don't give a flying fuck about what anyone thinks of me."

I lean back, "I'm doing you a favour by not embarrassing you in front of the entire school population. Be glad. See you at lunch Ro."

I hear her growl before I leave, a chuckle escaping my lips. I had won that round despite what everyone else thought.

Expensive Favours - Favours Series #1Where stories live. Discover now