Chapter 58

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The MET interview is a success, spreading everywhere on the internet

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The MET interview is a success, spreading everywhere on the internet. Viv and I do two more short interviews, one with Vogue themselves. It helped to remain exclusive and indispensable.

Belinda and my dad had been shocked to see me, but neither expressed it outwardly. Not when people surrounded us, witnessing our every interaction. There had been some obvious tension when Francine had found her way to us. But after a few greetings and then they were passing once more.

Soon spring break ends and we're all back in Thornton by Wednesday, worrying about papers and lessons like normal teenagers.

We were chatting about our breaks and the MET when the last person of the group walks up to the table.

Rose looks up, "Isaac, what is wrong with you? You haven't answered any of our calls."

Isaac drops into his seat. "Oh that, my phone took a fall." He shuffles around his bag until he finds said phone. Its glass was webbed across the screen, completely shattered. "They still need to deliver my new one."

"I hope you backed that up," Michael inserts making Isaac grimace.

Viv rises and strides over to the boy. Without warning, she clasps his shaggy dirty blonde hair and ties it into tiny ponytail at the nape of his neck.

"Aw Viv, no."

"Wait, it looks good. Non?" she asks us and we all nod, hiding our smiles. To his best tries, Isaac isn't able to take of the band with Viv slapping away his hands, and finally gives up.

By the end of lunch, we're all going our separate ways. But I stride after Isaac, my mind reminding of my conversation with Nick just yesterday.

"I caught him with a blunt. I'm afraid he's relapsing. He's acting weird. More suspicious than before."

"Isaac, wait." He stops, though reluctantly, clasping the strap of his bag tightly. "Can we talk?"

"Aren't we now?" We keep walking until we're in a secluded corner of the courtyard.

I face him properly. "What's going on? Nick said your smoking again and...your phone doesn't look like it suffered a normal fall."

"Nick...I forget you're the third wheel of our relationship."

I frown, "Winston, come on, I'm just trying to help, to keep my promise."

"He knows." I draw in a breath. "Or he suspects. We had an argument. I told him we couldn't go on because of my parents, but then-"

My hand flies to his shoulder, trying to be as comforting as possible. How do you get out of an abusive co-dependant relationship where the guy borders on psychotic?

"I'm going to find a way to end this. We just need to blackmail him. Threaten to tell his dad. We'll see how he likes the taste of his own shit."

Isaac shakes his head. "No. He threatened to send me back to that place." I frown. "Rehab." He whispers harshly.

Expensive Favours - Favours Series #1Where stories live. Discover now