Chapter 59

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The rest of the month follows in a haze of exams and interviews

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The rest of the month follows in a haze of exams and interviews. We were all busy with our clubs and activities, hanging out mostly to study and catch up at the lunch table.

My dad and I talked less and less over the days. Maybe the demotion of his position coupled with my harsh words finally made him feel some guilt. Because he would constantly be looking over my way during dinner, or when I walked by his office

He'd try but fail to start conversation because I just couldn't see what we could talk about anymore.

I was sure the blonde bitch had noticed it too. She'd won I suppose. But it mattered less and less to me now.

On the other hand, some things were looking less bleak. I had an idea to save Isaac and maybe even Kat. I'd even met with Isaac to make plans. "Hey Isaac, I need a favour." I fall in step with him as we leave the school building.

He gives me an onceover, "Oh no, your favours are never good."

I laugh, "No, this is a fun one, I swear."

He sighs, "Do I want to know?"

"Nope. Come on, my favour involves helping me cram for the Lit test too."

Sighing again he asks, "Does it involve cheating?"

There's a mischievous smirk on my face as I feel a plan forming. "Only a little. The other half of my favour involves helping you too."

"I don't need to cheat to win."

"Sometimes in life, it helps."

Despite his seemingly normal mood, over the month, I'd noticed the dip in Isaac's mood, and how he was constantly trying to isolate himself. I didn't know if it was visible to everyone else, when his laughter seemed forced, or how he was quieter than usual.

But I did. So when Viv told me his birthday was nearing, I got them to throw him a surprise party.

We'd disguised it as a quiet dinner at a restaurant and Michael was in charge of driving him to the restaurant we'd rented out for the occasion.

Through the dimmed lighting and hazy windows, I could see Michael's Ferrari pull up.

"He's here!" Viv shouted before I could.

All the people we'd invited instantly scrambled to sit at their tables, still set for dinner hour. There was a giddy excitement in the air as the entrance door opened. I could see Isaac's take in the ambiance of the restaurant and then he stepped in to the dining section.


Those hazel eyes widen for a moment at loud shout from many voices, and he takes a step back. The hand that had reached out in defence, goes to his head. Everyone starts to laugh and then he breaks out in a grin.

"Wow, thank you guys." He runs his hand through his hair.

"You're most welcome." Rose is the first to go and hug him, followed by Viv.

Expensive Favours - Favours Series #1Where stories live. Discover now