Chapter 9

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I step out of my vehicle, slamming the door shut as always with extra force

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I step out of my vehicle, slamming the door shut as always with extra force. Better releasing my anger out on a door than punching someone in the face.

Walking across the filled parking lot, I realised my place with the royal group had gained me a neat spot right with them, besides Michael's red Ferrari and a navy blue BMW i8, never ever touched by anyone else.

How convenient.

Strutting into the school's main building I catch people's attention. Even the throng gathered up ahead. I frown at the strange string of people surrounding something. Thankfully my sunglasses covered my reactions.

I continue down the hallway and all the students neatly part for me. That's when I catch a glimpse of what I was stealing attention from.

Katrina Wallin's arrival to school aka Thornton Prep's queen bee's entry. Who wouldn't want to miss that? So I do what anyone would. I halt and step back to turn to her.

"Sorry I missed your overly dramatic entry Katy! I see you wear pink on Wednesdays. Great impression of Karen."

I wave a goodbye and walk away through the dead silent hallway. Once I leave, I hear the snickers and footsteps moving away from Regina's wannabe wearing the pink cashmere sweater over the uniform with sky high heels.

She wasn't the only one who's watched Mean Girls.

I push aside my glasses, smirking, before opening my locker and tossing the pair inside. Another person's day ruined.

Okay now you might ask why I did that. Well it's not like I need reason; her being a classy queen bee bitch is enough. But I was feeling particularly irritable today.

This morning my dear father had been missing at the table. When I glanced at the empty seat at breakfast, Belinda said on cue, "Eric had to go to the office early. He needs to prep for the investors meeting later today."

I continued to chew on my pancakes, just digressing. I hadn't done anything after the car crash, and I had a feeling she thought I was done after her little threat to kick me out.

Not yet bitch.

Once the twins had left the table and I was about to leave myself, the woman called my name. So I sat still and waited.

"I know it's hard for you to accept your father and I are getting married, let alone in a relationship," she smiled.

"Oh no, I'm perfectly peachy about it. In fact, bring out more champagne, after all it's only both of your second marriages." Her smile slips.

I had done my research on her of course. And I dug a little extra and with the help of an employee at Mantle under the anonymous guise, I found out a beautiful piece of information. Before she married her late husband and got massively rich, she had been a commoner of course, like me. But that's where the commoner traits ended.

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