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It's been exactly a week and I don't know why but I don't see Sophia the way I did yesterday, because she's had sex with literally every dude she warned me about yesterday.

It's kinda funny.

But I wanna see and get to know Jaxon more even though he's had sex with the girl I was planning on calling my friend.

Maybe i'm being dramatic.

Do people my age have sex? Like causally? Like all the bloody time!

Why wasn't I informed?

I'm gonna be a total loser when everyone finds out i'm a fucking virgin. It's okay no one has to know that I am.

No one will ever know.

It can't be noticeable that I am a virgin, who would know i'm a virgin?

No one does, no one knows I am and no one will ever know.

I let out a yawn as I listen to the teacher speak, this class is boring. I don't think i'll ever like it but the teacher is this cute lady that looks young i'm guessing she's a substitute.


Five minutes before the bell rings and I have all my shit packed and ready to escape into lunch.

I can't wait, I'm meeting Jaxon at lunch it's a seating area with trees around it. It's closed off from everything which i'm thankful for. I get up when the bell rings.

Half of the students are already out of the room. And here I thought I was the prepared one.

None of the guys that annoy the fuck out of me were in that class.

"It's straight down through those trees, see the trail?" Soph asks.

"Yeah, thanks," I say and start walking down the stairs at the back of the school. I pass through two trees.

It's like a whole forest out here.

Well, the whole school is crowded with forest so it makes sense.

"Jaxon?" I call out. I turn my head slightly to the left and that's where I see a picnic table with him sitting at it and is now looking at me.

I walk toward him. "That bruise on your arm is terrible," he says when I sit down.

"I know, I tried covering it up with concealer again, it's not really going away so now when I'm at home I have to wear long sleeves."

"Wish I could do something about them," he says.

"It's okay, guess i'm just gonna have to deal with them," I say.

I sigh and place my bag beside me.

"You shouldn't have to, I don't know why they are treating you so badly, especially since you seem so innocent and nice," he says.

"What do you mean by that? Innocent?" I ask.

"I meant it as in you are sweet," he says.

"Do you mind if I..?" he pulls out a cigarette. "I don't really mind but my dad will probably think i'm smoking."

I do hate the smell of smoke makes me wanna throw up because of the fire that happened not too long ago.

He lights the cigarette and for some reason, a little bit of my feelings toward him is lost.

"What is your dad like?" he asks. "He's a good dad, a normal dad, he's a police officer the local sheriff," I say.

He nods slowly. "What about your mum?" he asks. "I never exactly see her because she lives in a different state and is on drugs constantly and doesn't really care about me."

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now