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It feels so weird to be driving in this driveway again after so long. I remember the Van Dyk's packing everything up and leaving not a word from them since.

Just a goodbye from Amara. It's so nostalgic driving toward the house.

I put my car in park when I stop it. I take the keys out and step out of the car making sure 8 lock it when I close the door.

There are three fancy cars in the driveway. I wonder if Hank, Pablo, and Callum's bodies were actually found.

Did Harley tell them where they were?

Or is there just a pile of bones in the forest, I bet they haunt that forest now like some horror fairytale.

My last moments here were with Harley. I look around outside before I even think about the front door.

I missed this place so much.

I'll explain to them why i'm just randomly walking around.

I can see the part of the forest Where Harley and I first kissed it may have been dark but that massive oak tree I won't forget.

It reminds me of the tree of life.

I build up courage and walk towards the forest to the tree. I know it's been four years but any sign of those memories would be so good right now.

I miss it so extensively I want to go back to seventeen I wanna get to Harley and run away with him before

"The house is cheaper because of what happened four years ago, it was still on the market because people assumed the house was haunted."

I gasp and jump a little at the sudden person spawning behind me. Well as I turn around to face them my face goes pale.

I almost drop because I became so weak. I can't believe it.


He gives me a soft smile. "Bella," he says. His voice is deeper, he's taller... Much taller.

He looks like he could crush a truck, he looks even tastier than our teenage years, Jaxon with tattoos, yum.

"You are back," I say.

I missed any of the Van Dyk's including this asshole. "Yeah and I brought my family with me," he says.

"I wasn't expecting you to be the new housemaid, so I'm quite shocked you... Look different, a good different," He says.

"It's a good difference because I have boobs and an ass now isn't it?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Wait every one is back?" I ask. "That's not what I meant by family I meant my family Bella," he said.

As he turns like he's gesturing to the front door I look over and see a little girl about the age of two and when I look at the woman my mouth gapes as I see her with a little baby.

"You... You have a family with Amara," I say. He nods. "Hold my bag," I say and I rush back to the front door.

Amaras smile widens as I get closer. "Ya know I was expecting you guys to come back at some point but with a family of your own?"

When I meet her at the stairs she turns slightly so I hug her without hurting the baby.

"I missed you guys so much," I say.

I feel a little hand tug at bottom of my dress. I look down and see the little girl like the little lace bits of my dress.

"Aren't you a little cutie," I say squatting down in front of her after moving from Amara.

"Watch out she's got a mouth like her father," Amara giggles I can't help but just smile. "What's her name?" I ask.

"Anna," she says. "I missed you so much I begged for her to be named after you," she says and my mouth gapes.


"Jaxon is a great dad, he freaked out at first when I told him, he's never angry never puts me down even though I have a bit of a tummy and stretch marks from this little guy," She says.

"Whats... His? Name?" I ask. "Hayden," she says.

"They are so beautiful," I say. "How's Deck?" She asks. "He's great he's becoming a foreman soon," I say.

"I heard you were struggling with money? How's your dad?" she asks.

"Money is fine, and Dad is still doing his job as a detective," I say. "Can I hold him?" I ask. She nods and gently hands him to me.

He has big blue eyes like his dad, and he's wide awake and staring at me.

Anna has big chocolate eyes, she's in a cute long purple dress. "You have a family Amara," I say pouting.

"I know we're young but my gosh I always wanted to be a mother," She says.

"I can tell, these babies look so healthy and well taken care of," I say and she smiles.

"Funny after Anna, Jaxon begged for another, never expected it, he loves his little girl so much they are like best friends, the cute moments are so friggin' cute with these two I can't wait to see the ones when this little guy gets into the laughing stage, he's only three weeks."

"He's quite big for a three-week-old," I say. "Look at his dad," She says and we both laugh.

"I can't believe you are here," I say.

"Why did you guys come back?" I ask. "We missed it here, I missed you, and everyone else, and I wanted to introduce my best friend to my family after years," she says.

Hayden's little hand wraps around one of my fingers.

I look down and Anna isn't anywhere to be seen until I see her with her dad, she looks like she's is about to attack him and he's playing along, copying her stance which is her hands in the air like some dinosaur.

"God if he turns out like them two i'm gonna be in a house filled with nutcases," Amara sighs.

I pat her back. "I'll babysit when you want to rest or even... Time with Jaxon, like a date," I say.

"Thank Bella but you don't have to," she says. Hayden opens and closes his hands, his mouth opening and small noises coming from him. "This damn boy is giving me, baby fever."

Amara laughs. "I know he's adorable I want another," She says.

"Girl calm down you are like twenty-three," I say. "I do not care, that man can knock me up again and again, the dick got bigger and better by the time he was eighteen," she says.

"Oh wow I totally needed to know that," I say sarcastically.

"He's an eight now girl whenever he wants to bend me over I'm bent over," she says.

"Some people never change," I say and she laughs.

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ