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I'm at Amara's, have no idea how I have a new boyfriend but yeah, he's currently at work so I decided to waste my time at the Van Dyk estate even though the only person I like here is Amara and their real little cousins.

Music is playing and we have a bottle of cherry vodka along with joints.

Ryder doesn't know I smoke i'm sure he won't mind.

"Oo i'm gonna piss myself," I say. "Use Harley's bathroom my toilet isn't flushing the plumber is coming tomorrow," she says.

It's so weird how this house is massive and that Harley and that have their own bathroom.

"Where is his?" I ask. "In his room," She snickers.

"You are gonna have to come with me," I say. "He isn't here, I swear on my life, okay he's probably out banging girls."

"What if he brings them here?" I ask.

"Girl I was joking he'd probably be smoking with his friends at their house, he doesn't fuck around with girls like Jaxon does."

"Be quick, i'm painting your nails remember? So hurry up!" she exclaims.

I roll my eyes and walk out, I walk down the hall opposite way you gotta go to make it to Jaxon's room.

I grab the door handle that literally is telling me 'walk in here and you'll die' as I turn it.

I quickly enter facing the door as I close it.

And when I turn he's right there. I yelp. "Ah... Um... Ahh, well... Hello there," I say with a gulp.

He tilts his head slightly and smirks.

I swear Amara keeps lying to me. He clicks his tongue. "Why are you sneaking into my room?" he places his hand slightly high on the wall beside him.

I gulp. "Amara said, that her toilet doesn't flush so I got told to uh um use yours," I say.

I have no idea what he's looking at but it isn't my eyes. I see his hand move and it quickly reaches at my collar.

He pulls the small chain around my neck.

Oh... No.

He chuckles. "After him fucking around with you, you still wear his name around your neck." He yanks at it and in one go it snaps at the back and he removes it from my neck.

"You gotta pay to go to my bathroom," he says.

I shove my hand in my pocket and pull a joint out. He pulls the 'that'll do' look and then takes it from me.

He throws the chain effortlessly into the bin.

His room is much cleaner than Jaxon's but you can see literally substances of drugs on the dresser.

His bed is massive black bedding covering it and thankfully he has more pillows than Jaxon did.

He has one of those bay windows too.

"You just gonna stand there?" He raises a brow confused.

"Oh..." I walk. "Which door?" I ask. "Take a wild guess," he says and lays on his bed. Bella you are taken, take your eyes off of him. I look at the bottom of the doors to see any sign of tiles.

I take that wild guess and go with the first door.

I open it and see a very neat bathroom.

I yelp again. "Why are you behind me!" I exclaim. "Heard you got a boyfriend, a pussy footballer," he chuckles.

"Oh shut up, just because you are all lonely," I fake pout after turning around to look at him. "I don't believe you are over Jaxon."

He's trying not to laugh.

"I got rid of the necklace so yes I am over him," I say with a frown. "You weren't brave enough to get rid of it someone had to do it for you."

"Oh wow thank you so much Harley you were the key to getting rid of my 'obsession' with you fuckwit of a cousin," I mock.

"Now let me pee," I say and close the door in his face. I make sure I lock it before I turn around to do my business.

After I'm done I open the door.

"Good bye dick," I say starting to walk out. "You didn't say hello to my dick but you say bye to it?" He asks.

"Gross, get a life," I say and walk out closing the door.

I walk down the hall and enter Amara's room again. When I sit on her bed Harley walks into the room.

For fuck sake, can't escape him.

I have a bruise on my arm from him yesterday. He has a bottle in his hand. It's a bottle of vodka. He takes a sip straight out of the bottle then Amara snatches it from him to take a sip.

She hands me the bottle and then finishes painting her nails.

I take a sip after some courage from Amara's elbow then I hand the bottle to Harley with a frown.

He doesn't wipe the bottle from when I took a sip he just takes a sip. That was kinda unexpected, I expected him to wipe it with a gross look.

My phone buzzes so I lean over to check it.

I have to stop gawking at Harley.

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now