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I showed up at school without Ryder, I didn't even get to speak with him all weekend after that call was the last time we spoke. When I walk into school all eyes are on me.

I see Stacy's goons looking at me too. God, I feel awkward and like they know something I don't.

I walk down the hall and I hear a laugh come from the goons.

When I walk around the corner I see Stacy smooching a dude against the wall. And it only takes me a moment to realize that that random dude is...


"Oop." she fake-shoved him. "Your lover is here," she says. "Huh?" he looks at me. "Oh, shit," he says.

My only reaction is my mouth is slightly open. What is going on?

"What are you doing with her Ryder? You didn't answer my calls or read my texts all weekend... Were you with her?" I ask.

She scoffs. "Baby you tricked her too well, she actually believed you loved her," She gasps and he chuckles.

"That wasn't supposed to happen," he says.

"You are a fool, no one actually likes you, and no one will ever love you, I told you no matter who he likes he always runs back to me," she pouts.

"Except, he didn't want you, I just asked him to fuck around with your little heart, you think someone like him would actually fall for a low life like you?"

She gives me a disgusted look.

"Bye sweetie I'll be joining Ryder in the backseat of his car now, it was fun seeing pictures and messages and little moments you thought were special."

"C'mon baby," she says to Ryder grabbing his hand.

He gives me a mocking look and then walks away from me with her.

"Baby, did you bring a condom?" he asks. "In my purse," she says. "Let's take it to the bathroom," he says and lifts her.

Since we are around the corner I am the only one that sees my now ex-boyfriend walk into the bathroom ready to have sex with an enemy of mine.

I shouldn't have trusted him. I felt so special for it to be nothing.

I feel stupid for falling for another asshole. My eyes water but I try biting them back.

I gotta keep reminding myself that boys aren't worth my tears.

But I can't help it.

It hurts so much. What did I do to deserve this? I didn't do anything to anyone, why does everyone hate me so much?

I take a deep breath. I need a joint and thank god I have one in my bag. I'd much rather hang out with Jaxon fucking again. I hate them all so much.

I take a deep breath again to cool the tears down, I don't wanna cry.

I walk out to the back of the school. Great. I turn around and walk the opposite direction I was going to go in but I spotted the other assholes.

When I walk around the corner I spot more assholes.

I can't get away from them. Decklan and Callum are leaning against the wall and where I just turn around to hide is where Sophia and those bitches are.

I can't ever escape.

I turn around and my hand is grabbed then I'm spun back around.


"What do you want?" I snap. "You look like you are trying to not cry? What's wrong? Had a bad day?" he fake pouts.

"Just leave me alone," I say and now my eyes are watering again.

"Aww, she's gonna cry." Callum joins in. I gulp and decide to ignore them and walk away quickly turning around.

I hear laughing.

I hate it here. "Where are you going?" Decklan blocks my path and when I turn around Callum is in my way I turn to the other side and It's now Robbie blocking me.


I back up and bump into yet another body. It's... Why is Axel in on this? I'm very intimidated to the point I'm gonna start shaking.

I just wanna get into a ball and cry myself to sleep in my bed and possibly feel the joy of a blade going over my neck.

A knife and a very deep cut would end it all.

It would end all of my sufferings and my pain would disappear.

Just like that.

If I'm honest I don't give one fuck anymore what they wanna do to me, I just hope in the end I'm six feet deep.

I look down at the ground not seeing an opening for an escape because i'm blocked by four boys I don't stand a chance at escaping them.

I don't know what they want from me.

Why can't they just leave me alone? I know for a fact that the one person that would try and help isn't even here.

The person I never doubted in my life isn't here. But that's because they don't go here.

She may be small but she'd work her ass off to get these boys off of my back.

And that's Candy. She's fucking crazy someone does one little thing to me and she's already swinging at them.

I could forgive someone but she'd live on still hating them with her whole soul.

But she isn't here, I know if Sophia and her whores can see this she's probably recording to catch everything on film.

I'm still looking st the ground, looking at a leaf that's crumbled under my foot.

Someone just stop my pain.

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now