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I see photos, recent ones, and older ones. Not just any photos but many of... Many naked women. The top ones look all too familiar when I see who else is in the photo.

That was him at the beach and he got plenty of close-up photos of Axel having his mouth on my nipple.

He must have a great camera to get photos like this from afar.

I cover my mouth when I see photos of between my legs. That's the outfit I was wearing the night someone came into my window.

A clear photo of there.

This man is the definition of gross.

I open another box and find a missing pair of my underwear and also my underwear from when I was a kid and I always wondered where my first bra went.

White stains on each of them so I chuck them back into the box.

I wanna throw up how can someone be that disgusting? The worst part wasn't even my things.

Even more little kids.

The door slams open and my head snaps in the direction of the door. He's standing there looking at me as he slowly walks down the stairs.

My breathing is already shifting.

I back away and run to the corner because that's the only place I can hide even though he's already seen me.

I face the corner. I can't look at him.

Too late he spins me around and his hands move to my hips.

"You've grown into such a beautiful woman, I knew you would be since you were little, I've always wondered what you felt like wrapped around me while you were pure and tight."

"Come," he says waving a finger as he walks away.

He walks up the stairs and I tread slightly behind him scared he'll turn around and pounce.

When we reach the top of the stairs he closes the door as we exit the basement.

"Look at you, go clean yourself up, i'm sure you still remember where the bathroom is." He gently grabs my face feeling the dirt on my skin.

Is this what he did to my mother? Torture her then be all gentle to make her fall in love with him.

Allow him to easily manipulate her because she was broken?

This man tore my parents apart and probably raped my mother.

I turn around. Maybe the bathroom is my escape. "I'll go grab you a towel, and some clean clothes, dinner will be ready by the time you are out."

That's what that smell is.

I started smelling food when we exited the basement and if i'm honest I wanna cry at the thought of being able to eat.

I take a deep breath as my eyes stay watery but a tear doesn't drop.

I walk down the hall, he walks the opposite way like he can trust I won't go anywhere.

I wanna run, I wanna run away from everything I wanna be on my own forever knowing that no one would want me around anyway.

I twist the handle to the bathroom and open it. When I enter the bathroom memories flood over me.

The times when as a real little girl I'd see the handle jiggling even though it was locked and seconds later he would be standing at the door with it open.

It's like he enjoyed watching me bathe. I look to the counter.

I see two little notes and two razor blades on top.

"Use these however you like, your wrists would look nice, the razors are in the top draw if you wanna clean yourself up before you join me in bed." The first note read.

"Shampoo and body soap is also in the top drawer and if you get blood anywhere make sure to wipe it up." The second note read.




I stopped myself. I won't start again. I tried so hard to stop. But I don't have the one thing around that stopped me from doing it. I shudder at the words of sharing a bed with him.

I look in the mirror and gasp at the state i'm in. My skin has never been so pale.

My hair is greasy and I have dark circles around my eyes. My skin looks dirty. And I don't even know where one of my earrings went.

I lost it somewhere but I don't remember.

The door opens revealing Henry with a towel and freshly clean out of ordinary clothing. Would this even fit me?

They look like children's clothing.

"C'mon you can't get into a bath fully clothed," he says.

"Can you turn..." Nevermind. I clear my throat and take my shirt off. My arms are so tired I barely got my shirt off of my head.

I pull my pants down.

He watches every move I make and with every sound I make he reacts to it.

I take my socks off and leave everything on the floor. He places the towel and the clothes on the counter and then walks toward the bath to start filling the bath up.

I cover my chest after he finishes with the bath.

He removes his coat and places it on the hook at the back of the door.

He then rolls his sleeves up. "Tut-tut," he says. I take one step into the bath and sink into the warmness.

With that bastard watching me.

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now