Revealed // Neverland

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There was a new plan in place: get Pan's shadow. 

Tinkerbell said she would help if they had a plan to get off of Neverland, and now that they did, she was on board. 

Emma, Neal and Hook decided to go into the dark woods to find the shadow, leaving David, Snow and Kyla to themselves. And Snow was still mad at both of them. 

"Snow," Kyla said, attempting to keep up with her as she rummaged through the woods. 

"Not now, Kyla," Snow said. 

"Then when?" She asked. Snow whipped herself around, stopping Kyla in her tracks. 

"What do you want me to say to you? You've been lying from the moment we met you." 

"I don't want you to say anything," Kyla started, "I want to explain myself." Snow stayed silent, allowing Kyla to carry on. "I hated the thought of you growing up. Every time I thought about you, I thought about how Eva wished I had never been born and showered you with love and nurturing. I was stuck in a tower for the first 16 years of my life! The first person to ever show me any kindness, other than your father, was Rumplestiltskin. He taught me, cared for me and even protected me. So yeah, when I had the opportunity to get back at you, I took it. And I was wrong to do so. I've always been so jealous of you, especially now. You're a warrior. You're strong and independent. You're everything I'm not." 

"Kyla, that's not true," she said, her voice full of pity. 

"It is. And I'm okay with that now. But what you don't understand is when I came here and was made Queen, I don't know, it felt good. I felt like I finally belonged somewhere. And yeah, I fell in love. But he abandoned me. Just like Eva, just like Rumple, they all abandoned me. I didn't want to come back here. I'm overrun with the emotions of every single person here, including my own. I didn't tell you because I didn't want this. I didn't want you to see me as evil again, or even as weak. I'm sorry." 

Snow immediately pulled her sister into a hug. "No, I'm sorry." When she pulled away, she kept her hands on Kyla's shoulders. "Just be honest with me next time. But, I don't see you as weak. You're a survivor. You've survived so much more than I could ever fathom. You're the strong, independent one, not me. Kyla, we need to work together. We need to be a family." 

Kyla nodded. "Okay," she said. Kyla wasn't sure if she meant it, but it appeased Snow. "Can you do me a favor?" She asked. 

"Anything," Snow said with a smile. 

"Go easy on David."

"You've really got a soft spot for him, huh?" 

"Someone needs to," she teased. Snow laughed lightly. 

"I will talk to him eventually. I just still need to process." 

"I understand that. I guess you can let him flounder a bit," Kyla said with a laugh. 

Then, she felt the wind change. Her head turned to the side, attempting to listen closer to the change in the air. 

It was Pan's call to her. 

"You okay?" Snow asked her. 

"Yeah," Kyla lied. "It's the Lost Boys. I guess night is starting to fall. That's when their cries start and it gives me a headache every time." 

"Well, why don't we get back to the camp so you can rest?" She asked. 

"No, no, I'm fine," she lied again. "I'm just going to go take a walk."

"Okay," Snow said. "Meet us back in a bit." 

"I will," Kyla said, turning to the right and walking deeper into the woods to find Pan. 

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