Best Laid Plans // Storybrooke

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Kyla's plan was immediate: hide Rider. They went to Snow and Charming's loft to figure out the best place to him. August was resting on the couch with Henry by his side. Regina opened the door, releasing a breath when she saw August safe. 

"We're lucky he's okay," Regina said. She then went on to ask Emma for help with getting Robin Hood's phone number. She had a bad feeling about him and wanted to check in and make sure he was okay. Then, she saw the panic in Kyla's eyes. "What's wrong?" 

"Have you been with your villain friends?" Kyla asked her. 

Regina shook her head. "As soon as Cruella got back, I left. On a mission of course." 

"Well, she knows about the wand. We were ready to use it to help August and Cruella saw it before she got away," she explained. "We need to hide Rider." 

"Okay," Regina said, nodding her head. "He'll be safe in my vault." 

"Gold could open it," she said. 

"No offense," she said, addressing Rider, "but he's not after you."

"Yeah, but he could be after the wand," Rider said. "It may not have the power to change your stories, but it could be the start of it." 

"That's a good point, actually," Regina said. "Also, no. Gold won't be able to open it. We'll go after I get what I came for." 

"And what's that?" Emma asked. Before Regina could answer, Henry's voice called from across the room. 

They walked over to where he sat next to August, noticing August was finally awake. His eyes wouldn't leave Regina. 

"What is she doing here?" He asked.

"It's okay, I promise," Emma said to him, but Kyla could feel that he wasn't ready to trust anyone just yet. 

Regina took a step closer. "August, we need to talk about how I'm going to keep up my cover with Gold. The only reason I was able to come here is because they think I'm stealing this page," she said, picking up the piece of paper with the door drawn on it. The door with the Author stuck behind it. "We didn't find the door at the Sorcerer's mansion." 

August's eyes drifted to Kyla. He knew her power, and she knew what he was waiting for. 

"You can trust her," Kyla assured him. August took in a deep breath and nodded. 

"That's because it's not there." 

"What?" Henry asked. 

"But you said you didn't know where it was. Your nose didn't grow," Regina said, speaking about his time held hostage by the villains. 

"That's because I didn't know where Henry was keeping this page," he said, pointing to the paper. "This is the door. The Author is trapped inside the book."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. The biggest question was how. The next, why? 

But there was no time to answer those questions. As they began to debate, all standing, facing each other, Henry stood from his seat, calling his moms' names. 

August fell back into unconsciousness. Emma was unable to wake him up. 

"We need to get him help," Emma said. 

"We need to hide Rider," Kyla said, taking a moment to be selfish. 

"This seems more important," Rider said, pointing at August. 

"It's all important. Okay, look," Regina said, turning to Emma. "Take him to the convent. Mother Superior will know what to do," then she turned back to Kyla and Rider. "Let's go to my vault." 

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