Intentions // Storybrooke

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"Kyla, hold on," Gold said, seeing the anger in her eyes. She stared at him, almost breathless. Slowly, she pieced together her surroundings.

Gold had Regina captured, which meant that Regina's cover had been blown. Cruella was out God-knows-where, and Maleficent had Rider.

Guilt overtook her immediately. She promised she would keep him safe. 

Gold knew Kyla wasn't afraid of her, so he took a step back as she stepped closer to him. 

"What did you do?" She said through her teeth.

"I didn't do anything," he said. Kyla rolled her eyes. 

"Enough with the semantics," she said, closing the gap between them. "Where is he?" 

Gold took in a deep breath. "Maleficent has him." 

"Clearly," she said, anger still in her voice. "Where?!"

"I don't know," he said. "They left me here with Regina and that's all I can tell you." 

Kyla wanted to punch him. She wanted to take her hands and ring his neck. She was desperate for her magic because she wanted to kill him. 

Which made her thankful she didn't have it. 

Before she answered, she noticed Regina, sitting, her back against the wall, phone in her hand and tears in her eyes. All the anger she had toward Gold washed away for just a moment as she looked at her friend. 

"What happened?" She asked, keeping close to Gold. Regina shook her head and sighed. 

"Um, Robin," she started, "I called him and..." she trailed off. 

Kyla's eyes widened. Dead? No, she wasn't feeling grief. Anger. She was angry, too. She also felt betrayal. 

"Is he okay?" Kyla asked, finally walking away from Gold and crouching down to Regina.

Regina didn't move. Her eyes turned from sorrow to anger. 

"Zelena," the voice of the Evil Queen said. 

"Zelena?" Kyla repeated, not understanding. 

"Long story short," Gold interjected, "the Maid Marian wasn't who she said she was." 

Kyla looked at Gold, then back to Regina. 

"Zelena's back?" She asked. 

"And Robin has no idea," Regina said. "He thinks she's Marian." 

"Glammer spell," Kyla said. Then, she stood up and turned back to Gold. "How long have you known?" 

"Let's see, when was I banished? Yeah, about that long," he said, his tone biting.

Kyla had enough. Before Gold could see it coming, she pulled back her fist and punched him as hard as she could. He staggered back, his hand gripping his face. His eyes were disappointed, unbelieving that she would take that action. But he didn't retaliate. No, there was too much history between them. They cared too much about each other. 

Past tense. 

"Fix this," she said. 

"I can't," he said. "I'm here for one reason and one reason only-"

"The Author. Yeah, we all know. But why? To get Belle? If you have to use magic to get her, she won't really be yours. Isn't that the bright advice you've given Regina a time or twenty?"

Gold looked away. "This is so much bigger than you realize."

"You know what," Kyla said, "I actually don't care about that right now. I need to find Rider and we need to save Robin."

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