The Wand // Storybrooke

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*present *

Emma and Regina's plan had worked. The Wicked Witch did try to break into Regina's office, but they were unsuccessful in catching her.

"What do you mean she broke the blood lock?" Kyla asked.

"I have no idea," Regina said, pacing. "She's more powerful than we're accounting for."

"There has got to be a better way to do this."

"How's your power?" She asked.

"It comes and goes," she said honestly. "I'm sure I got control of it back in the Enchanted Forest, but now? It's going to take some time to get it back fully."

"Let's just be glad you have it," she answered as The Charmings, Emma and Hook entered Snow's apartment.

"Okay," David said, leaning against the counter, "so now that we know who we're dealing with, how do we find this Wicked Witch?"

"Might I suggest we started asking if anyone has seen a woman with green skin running around," Hook said, obviously teasing.

"We're cursed in Storybrooke," Kyla said, "she'll look like any one of us."

"We'll start somewhere we know she's been, Regina's office," Emma said.

"I went over it with a fine-toothed comb. She left no trace."

Emma and David then decided they would track her using physical evidence rather than magical. Regina, of course, disagreed. Her main concern was Henry.

"Someone needs to protect Henry," she said.

"Especially because doesn't even know what's going on," Kyla added.

"I'm guessing you're volunteering?" Emma asked Regina.

"If you find anything, call me," Regina said, moving to the door, but Emma got in her way.

"Just remember," she said, her voice low, "he thinks we're here because I'm on a case. I just don't want anyone to slip up. As far as Henry knows, you're just Madam Mayor, and that's it."

Kyla could immediately feel Regina's blood boiling. At least her magic was active enough for that.

"I'm well aware of how Henry sees me," Regina said, her heart breaking with that statement. "Kyla?"

"Oh," Kyla said, "actually, I have a little project I'm working on," she said. She could feel the curiosity from everyone.

"Really?" Regina asked.

"What is it?" Emma asked.

"It's nothing," she said. "I met someone and I think the witch might have had him locked up. Maybe with him we can figure out who she is?"

Snow and David looked at each other.

"Him?" David said. Kyla rolled his eyes.

"I'm leaving!" She called, grabbing her coat and walking out the door.

She had planned to meet Rider in the afternoon at Granny's, where they first met. She felt herself hurrying, like she couldn't wait to see him again.

Her stomach was in knots. The excitement was overwhelming her. And she admitted it to herself: she had a crush.

But none of that was important. What was important was finding out who the witch really was.

Flynn Rider was sitting in a booth, facing the door. He was playing with a napkin left on the table. The chime of the bells that rang when Kyla walked through caught his attention. A smile immediately spread across his face as he stood.

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