A New Savior // Storybrooke

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David, Snow, Regina and Kyla were in the sheriff car on their way to the town line. They had gotten a call that the dwarves had made their way there to see what Emma had cursed the line with. They were desperate to leave and wanted to see if it was safe.

"Stop!" Regina yelled as they emerged from the car.

"Sorry, sister!" Leroy called back. "We can't stay in Storybrooke as long as Emma's the Dark One. She was one of us. She knows how we beat bad guys. Hell, she beat most of them for us. How do we stand a chance against her?"

"If you're dumb enough to cross the line, be my guest," Regina said. Kyla shook her head, intervening.

"Leroy," she said, "you're right, okay? This is going to be one of the most difficult things we've faced since being in Storybrooke. But we can't defeat her if we don't do it together."

"Defeat her?" David asked. "What do you mean by that?"

"I don't mean kill her. I mean getting the Darkness out of her. Obviously." Kyla said to David. She turned back to Leroy. "Don't do this."

"Who's going to save us if we stay?" He asked, his gaze going behind her, finding Regina. "You?"

Any hope Regina had at that point faded.

Dopey was the one to walk over the town line. And the minute he did, he turned into a tree.

"Great," Kyla muttered.

As they decided to go back to Regina's office - the one place they felt safe from the Dark One - Kyla began to feel the pain in her chest she remembered from Camelot. The only thing she remembered from Camelot. She was able to pinpoint every emotion everyone was feeling and it was becoming exhausting. She wondered if something happened over in Camelot that helped her with her empathy.

She needed Rider.

But he was doing damage control with Granny at the diner, helping with cleanup and the general fear of the public now that Emma was the Dark One.

She felt glad he could be the hero he wanted to be.

"This is a curse," Regina said when they finally reached her office.

They looked at her, confused.

"The Dark Curse?" Kyla asked. Regina nodded.

"It can't be," Snow breathed.

"No, it can't," Kyla said.

"You think I don't know what the Dark Curse looks like?" Regina asked, clearly irritated.

"I think it's not possible. Henry and Hook are alive so how could she have cast the curse?" Kyla asked.

"She must have found another way," Regina said.

"Rumple tried for centuries to get here. And he couldn't without you casting the curse. I'm sorry, but you're wrong on this, Regina."

"And when did you become a know-it-all?" Regina asked.

Kyla looked at her, anger in her eyes.

Why was she angry?

"Something's wrong," Kyla said.

"We're aware," Regina said.

"With me," Kyla corrected herself. "There's something wrong with me."

"What do you mean?" Snow asked, walking to her sister and putting her hand on her back.

Kyla sighed, her eyes meeting David's. He nodded at her.

"Before we went to Camelot, I was having more problems with my magic. The feeling part of it, anyway. I thought it was because I was worried about Rider, but it wasn't. I think my magic was fading."

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