Emma's Arrival // Storybrooke

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KYLA: "beautiful, graceful; crown of laurel"

Kyla White stood in the middle of a quiet field. The sounds of the horses filled the air and she smiled at the calmness that surrounded her. It didn't last long. Her big white horse, Maximus, started becoming restless. He snorted and snarled like danger was in the air. Kyla turned to look at him.

"Max!" She called, worried that something was wrong with him. She hurried over to him in his stable to calm him, but he kept moving around. She could feel he was afraid of something. "What's wrong, buddy?" 

"Miss White," a low voice said behind her. Kyla jumped around to see the Mayor standing behind her. 

"Mayor Mills!" She exclaimed, relieved. "I'm so sorry, I didn't hear you."

"Your horse alright?" She asked, clearly impatient. That was nothing new for the Mayor, but something seemed different with her. She wasn't angry, she seemed scared.

"He's fine," she patted his head, "How are you? Are you here for a ride?" 

The Mayor shook her head. "I was wondering if you had seen Henry?" 

"No," Kyla responded quickly, "no I haven't seen Henry."

The Mayor took a deep breath in and exhaled harshly. "He never came home from school, he didn't go to his appointment with Dr. Hopper and no one has seen him all day. You're my friend," she said, which shocked Kyla, "so I assumed he would be here." 

Kyla stood motionless for a minute. "And it's getting dark," she responded.

Regina nodded, "Graham is searching the woods but -" she stopped.

"Regina," Kyla said, taking a step closer to her. Out of respect for Regina, Kyla called her Mayor Mills - per her request. But she didn't mind, she just had no idea that Regina considered her a friend, "what can I do?" 

Regina put her hands on Kyla's shoulders. "Will you help me look?"

"Of course," Kyla said without hesitation. 

Regina grabbed Kyla's arm and left the stables. 

Later that night, Kyla and Sheriff Graham stood in Regina's kitchen. In her mansion-like house, there was just too much space for only herself and Henry. Kyla had spent so much time with the boy as his babysitter, she felt like she knew the house like the back of her hand. She didn't know Regina as well as she would have liked, but was thankful for the moments she did spend with her. 

Henry had eventually come home...with his birth mom. The town knew of Henry's adoption and did their best to assuage any desire he had to find his birth parents. Regina was very adamant that she was his mother and nothing else mattered. Henry couldn't help his curiosity. 

He was convinced that everyone in the town was a fairytale character, his mother, Regina, being the Evil Queen. He believed she didn't love him and only wanted power which Regina swore up and down wasn't true. Was she a strict mother? Absolutely. But it was for Henry's best interest. 

Henry walked around with a storybook given to him by his teacher, Mrs. Blanchard. Kyla knew Mary Margaret well. She was kind, beautiful and compassionate toward everyone in the town. Henry saw her as Snow White, which so happened to be the mother of his birth mother according to the book. Of course, it was just a story. 

Other than running the stables, Kyla was Henry's music teacher at their school. According to Henry, she was Rapunzel, the lost princess tapped in a tower by an evil witch who used her magical hair to keep her young. When Henry had shared this with Kyla, she laughed. 

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