A Conversation with the Darkness // Storybrooke

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Henry sent a message warning the heroes that he and Emma were on their way back to the house. Before have to abruptly leave, they found a case holding a dreamcatcher. Emma had always kept them close because of Neal, but this one was magical. Regina said it held memories, so she took it, hoping to be able to access it and find another piece of the puzzle. 

They got as far from Emma's house as they could before Kyla stopped, falling behind the group. 

"What's wrong?" Rider asked. She hated that he felt he had to ask the question so often and wished that he could just read her mind. 

"I think it's time for someone other than Hook to talk to Emma," Kyla said. 

"You?" Regina asked. 

"I might be the only one who can," she said. 

"You're just as powerful as she is," Rider said. 

"Maybe even more powerful," Regina said. "That might not be a bad idea." 

"It'll be dangerous," Hook said. 

"Emma is acting ominous for sure," Kyla said, "but I don't have the sense of evil that I did from Rumple."

"So you think there's a chance?" Hook asked, his voice eager. 

"I think there's a chance she'll speak with me."

"And how are you going to get any information out of her?" Regina asked. "Hook tried, I tried, I'm sure Henry tried, but she's not telling us anything." 

"Have you tried talking to her?" Kyla asked. 

Regina scoffed. "Did you not just hear what I said?" 

"You've only ever spoken to her as the Dark One. She wants to be treated like she's still Emma," Kyla said. 

"Break down her guard," Rider said with a nod. 

"And I can convince her that I mean it," Kyla said. 

"By feeling her emotions?" Regina asked. 

Kyla shrugged. "And who knows? Maybe she isn't as bad as we think she is."

"Okay," Rider said, clasping his hands together. "Let's go." 

"I need to do this alone," Kyla said, grabbing his arm. 

"You're not facing the Dark One by yourself," Rider said. 

"Not without some protection," Regina agreed. 

"Since when have I ever needed protection?" Kyla asked. "Also, she'll know you're there. No, I'm doing this by myself. Look, it's late. Stop by the fair that Main Street is having and go home and get some rest. We'll reconnect tomorrow, I promise." 

Rider moved out of Kyla's grasp and crossed his arms. 

"Please?" She asked. 

Finally he nodded. 

"Find us when you're finished," Regina said. 

"Go home and get some sleep. All of you," Kyla said, pointing at everyone. She didn't dare to look at Rider again before walking away.

There was only one place she could think of to go that Emma would meet her. 

She walked through the woods as the sun fell from the sky. The stars appeared. She felt a pang of fear run through her. The last time she was in the woods by herself at night was in Neverland. A strange thought. 

It seemed that a lot of her thoughts were taking her back to Neverland more recently. 

Still, she continued to walk.

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