Reborn // Storybrooke

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Later that night, Hook had a run-in with not only Arthur out in the woods, but with Emma. Once again, they gathered together. Arthur was now in custody at the Sheriff's station and Hook was angry. He was desperate to save Emma and was going to take anyone down that got in his way of doing so. 

Kyla and Rider were the last to arrive. She immediately took a seat at one of the desks in the station, feeling the exhaustion hitting her like a ton of bricks. Thankfully, everyone was too focused on Arthur and Hook's sudden outburst of rage to notice Kyla. 

"Who's Nimue?" Hook asked Arthur through the cell bars. He had Arthur by the collar. "What the hell happened in Camelot?"

"I wish I knew," Arthur said, trying to keep his voice cocky, but Kyla could feel the fear in him. "That blonde demon took my memories same as yours."

"Then why destroy Merlin's message?" Hook continued. "What aren't you bloody telling us?!" He screamed, which made Kyla jump. David grabbed Hook and pulled him away from the bars, claiming Arthur didn't know anything. 

Kyla put her elbow on the desk, allowing her head to rest in the palm of her hand. Her head felt heavy.

She tried to hone in on Hook's anger. Everyone else had pushed past the feeling of anger and was brought to determination to save Emma and save the town. But Hook? He was holding on too tightly to his anger. 

At that point, it was all Kyla could feel from him. 

No fear, no sadness, no heartbreak, no confusion. 

Pure, unadulterated rage. 

And it scared her. 

"Feel any better?" Regina asked Hook. 

"I'll feel better when I have some answers," Hook said. "Emma said this whole thing was about me."

"Are you really that naive? She's manipulating you. That's what the Dark One's does," Regina said. 

"No," Hook said. "This was Emma talking." 

"There may not be any Emma," Snow said sadly, "not anymore." 

"She's right," Regina said. 

"Well, let's bloody ask the empath who actually had a conversation with Emma, unlike all of you," Hook said, turning to Kyla. They all did.

She was silent. 

With her eyes closed, and her head still resting in her palm, Kyla had allowed the world to drown out for just a moment. The exhaustion finally took over.

"Kyla?" Hook said, his voice suddenly quiet. Rider, standing next to her, put his hand on her shoulder. "Kyla!" 

Her eyes popped open as she jumped awake. 

Everyone in the room sighed, suddenly feeling guilty for making her work as hard as she was. 

"Go home, Kyla," Regina said. 

"No," she said, standing up. "I'm fine. I'm sorry." 

"Come on," Rider said, taking her hand. "You've done enough for now. You need some rest." 

"I promise I'm fine," Kyla said. 

"You are no good to us exhausted. Please just go home."

Kyla rolled her eyes. 

"What is your plan exactly?" Kyla asked. 

"I'm going to talk to Emma again," Hook said. 

"And nothing else is going to happen," Snow said, walking to her sister and putting her hands on her shoulders, "now go home. We'll call you when we need you," she promised. 

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