When you workout

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He will be holding a water bottle and a towel, telling you that you are doing an amazing job and to keep it up. When you finished and took the towel, he told you to be sure to drink your water since you have just sweat a lot so you will need it.


He will praise you, saying this is impressive of you, chuckling that he wishes he could do that. When you asked if he wishes to join, he was quick to say he has to keep guard over the settlement before hurrying away.


He will workout with you. When you are about to give up even though you still have a few left, he will encourage you to keep going, telling you you will be very proud of yourself afterwards if you do them all and it will become easier each time you do them.


She will either work on her newspaper or praise you, saying she wishes she can do also do that. She will try but fail after a few tries, saying she doesn't understand how you do so many for so long. When you chuckled and said a lot of practice, she sighed and mumbled she has better things to do than workout.


If you don't like having company around while working out, he will go in the other room and do some paper work. If you do like company, he will do it in the same room as you so he can keep you company. When you are proud of yourself, he can't help but chuckle, finding you cute before congratulating you.


He sat with a smirk. When you told him to stop eyeing your ass, he innocently told you he doesn't know what you are talking about, not even bothering to take his eyes off your ass. When you glared at him, he held his hands up, saying you cannot do all of these moves and not expect him to eye you.


She will either join you or sit back and relax, watching you working out. Usually when you both workout, she will challenge you to see who can do the most of something. If you win, she will get more determined to workout more so she can win next time. If she wins, she will smugly say of course she would win.


Super Mutants are naturally strong and muscular so they don't have to workout, so what you are doing was weird and new to him. When you went on the floor to do pushups, he picked you up with ease, asking you what you are doing now. So you explained to him what a pushup is and the purpose of it. He was still confused but put you down so you can continue.


He will clean the guns, waiting for you to be done. When you have a few left but are about to give up, he will encourage you to keep going, telling you you can do it and it's only a few more. When you did them and held your hand out for a high five, he chuckled before slapping his hand against yours, telling you that you did a good job.


He will whistle, impressed with you. He chuckled, saying he should start working out as well so he can join you one day and this can be one of things couples do together so they can keep each other company and encourage each other.


She was proud of you, telling you that you are doing an amazing job, telling you all the good things that will happen when you workout. When you are overdoing it, she will advise you to stop because you are overdoing it and telling you all the bad things that will happen if you workout too much.


He will tell you this is a good idea and to keep it up and not give it up too quickly even if it gets difficult. While you workout, he will just wait for you to finish. When you apologize for keeping him waiting, he will assure you it's okay and he's fine with waiting while you workout.


He will run around you, excited, wondering what you are doing. If you are doing something on the ground like pushups, he will jump on your back, happily barking.


He will feel a bit jealous and disappointed, jealous of how you can do that and disappointed because he's becoming an old man and if he tried to workout like that, he wouldn't even be able to do the first moves and after those five, he would be feeling all his muscles. Damn, he hates becoming old, and he's only in his mid-30s. When you told him to do it slowly then, he chuckled and said no thank you. When you told him this is why he can't do more than five, not because of his age, he chuckled again and said that's probably also the reason.


He will sit back on some chair, just having a smoke while watching you, thinking how some of those moves could be useful in the bed. When you tell him not to eye you, he will shrug and say you are giving him the view, baby, so he is gonna enjoy it.


When you are stretching and stretch forward, he can't help but look at your ass. When you tell him to stop staring, his face will turn red, embarrassed he was caught, trying to play it cool by saying some dumb lie, a lie like he was looking at the floor. While working out, he will either join, determined to become good at this, or he will just stand back, asking you why even bother working out since going on adventures and killing is a workout itself.

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